Ukrainian Soldiers complete training with the Poseidon H10 and H6 UAVs: What are the capabilities of these machines?


The Armed Forces of Ukraine are getting a new type of unmanned aerial vehicles. Here, soldiers have recently completed their training with the Poseidon H10 and H6 UAVs.

According to the preliminary information, the new drones worth more than 703,000 Euros will be assigned to the 26th brigade and the 120th separate reconnaissance battalion. They will be primarily used against the invading Russian Armed Forces.

According to an earlier announcement, the medium-range Poseidon drones are manufactured by Swarmly Ltd, a company residing in Cyprus. These machines are specialized in conducting reconnaissance missions, and can also be used to direct and adjust artillery shots over larger distances.

Poseidon H10 uses one main electric motor to sustain flight, coupled with four smaller motors for increased mobility and agility. Qualified operators need only about ten minutes to fully prepare H10 for operation. The drone is rather compact and can be transported on a pickup truck or any equivalent vehicle.

This model is equipped with high-quality cameras capable of 40x optical zoom for reconnaissance purposes, when it is required to observe targets or other objects from a long distance. Poseidon H10 is designed to ensure low acoustic and thermal signature, increasing its ability to avoid enemy radars and thermal imaging equipment.

Here are the main characteristics of the Poseidon H10 UAV:

  • Length: 1.9m
  • Wing area: 100 dm²
  • Wingspan: 3.5 m
  • Maximum flight altitude: 4 km
  • Maximum hang time: 15 minutes
  • Maximum flight time: 2 hours
  • Flight range: 150 km
  • Cruise speed: 75 km/h
  • Maximum speed: 100 km/h
  • EVLOS satellite communication range: 50 km
  • Dive speed: 50 km/h
  • Maximum takeoff weight: 22 kg
  • Maximum load capacity: 3 kg

The second model – Poseidon H6 – is considerably larger than H10. Technically, this model is older but has certain features that make it unique among other UAVs. H6 is able to carry eight times more payload compared to a newer model and can cover 5-6 times longer distances while flying at higher velocity. The maximum flight time is 7 hours, which is 3.5 times more compared to H10.

Characteristics of the Poseidon H6 UAV:

  • Length: 3.4m
  • Wing area: 312 dm²
  • Wingspan: 5 m
  • Maximum flight altitude: 4 km
  • Maximum flight time: 7 hours
  • Maximum hang time: 2.5 minutes
  • Flight range: 850 km
  • Cruise speed: 110 km/h
  • Maximum speed: 150 km/h
  • EVLOS satellite communication range: 150 km
  • Dive speed: 60 km/h
  • Maximum load capacity: 25kg


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