Turkey upgrades its tanks, puts Altay’s turret on Leopard 2A4


Turkey is modernizing its main battle tanks. These are the M-60TM and the Leopard 2A4. The modernization is based on the experience of the Turkish troops in two operations – Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch, which were conducted in recent years in Syria.

The M60T tank will receive a new Volkan-M fire control system, a combat information system for controlling the tank’s command, additional armored blocks, and places for the crew. Once the upgrade is complete, the tank will undergo additional factory maintenance. Only then will they be returned to the Turkish army.

331 Leopard 2A4 tanks will also undergo modernization. BulgarianMilitary.com recalls that the first 40 have already done this. Mainly, their modernization consisted of receiving a new rocket-propelled armor [ERA] produced by Roketsan. In addition, these 40 tanks also received additional armor and armor with high ballistic strength.

However, the remaining Leopard 2A4 tanks [291] will also receive additional modernization – a new fire control system and an active protection system.


The Leopard 2A4 could get another upgrade. It is about replacing the entire dome. According to Turkish sources, rumors claim that the Leopard 2A4 will receive the turret of the Turkish Altai tank.

Although this information has not been confirmed, last year during tests the Turkish army presented just such a configuration – a German Leopard 2A4 with the turret of the Turkish tank.

Modernization to date

Turkey has a total of 330+ Leopard 2A4s and 160+ M-60TMs. Over the years, they participated in various operations in Syria and received several upgrades.

Some time ago, the M60T received new close-range surveillance systems, a remote-controlled weapon system, a telescopic periscope system, a laser warning system for tanks, a PULAT active protection system, an internal skin protection system, an auxiliary current system, an air conditioning distribution system the power.

In fact, the Leopard 2A4 tanks are currently the most advanced in the inventory of the Turkish Armed Forces. Over the years, these tanks have strengthened their armor several times. Turkey says the main reason for this is the battlefield in Syria. “Syria was a battlefield where all kinds of advanced anti-tank weapons and vehicular explosive device attack techniques were used,” Turkish experts opined.

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