Tiny Dog Abandoned at Local Market Cries Out Loudly, Hoping for Kindness

Tiny Dog Abandoned At A Local Market Cries Loudly, Hoping For Kindness

Ever since she was born, a sweet puppy by the name of Willow only dreamed of being a part of a loving family with whom she could spend the rest of her days.

Unfortunately, Willow’s dreams came crashing down when she was abandoned at a local market, forced to fend for herself and survive the harsh life of the streets.

Willow tried her best to stay strong, but in the end, she was just a little baby who needed a strong figure to protect her from the outside world. So, she cried and begged, hoping that a kind pup or hooman would offer a helping hand or paw and take her in.

Help Is Here, Dear Willow

poor injured puppy

Luckily, a kind hooman heard her cries, and as soon as they noticed her unfortunate condition, they took her in and rushed her to the nearest vet.

The poor girl had a really faint heartbeat, and her body temperature was concerningly low. The vets determined that she had a hypoglycemic episode and immediately put her on a heating pad in order to warm her up a bit.

She was also suffering from mange and scabies, and was extremely malnourished.

puppy in wounds

After the vet appointment, the hooman took her to their home and gave them a nice, warm bath. When Willow was all nice and clean, her rescuer gave her some food so that she could regain some of her strength.

After spending some time with her new hooman, and after being well taken care of, Willow started to recover. She became playful and happy, and her real personality started to shine.

puppy being cuddled on bed

She gained a healthy appetite and started eating more. She also became much more active, spending her free time playing with her hoomans or other doggo siblings.

Willow is already doing much better and is looking for a forever home!

puppy in clothes

Doggos And Neglect

Unfortunately, there are many pups who still live the life Willow was saved from.

20% of cats and dogs in the U.S. are homeless, with 5.9 million dogs living on the streets and 2.3 million in shelters.

Most of the pups who are forced to endure the harshness of street life have no idea what a belly rub or a warm bed feels like. All they know is hunger and loneliness. Day after day, they try their best to survive, looking for scraps to fill their hungry belly.

But, there is still hope!

With a little care and attention, we hoomans can rewrite their stories! By coming together, we can take them off the streets and into our warm homes, providing them with the life they truly deserve!

So, let’s head down to our local shelter and adopt!

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