This Pit Bull was devastated to be turned in to the shelter once more.

This Pittie Was So Devastated After His Owners Surrendered Him To The Shelter Again

It’s a very difficult thing to accept that things are turning out for the worse when you had thought they started getting better, and the hero of today’s story felt exactly that.

March, a Pitbull mix, was the happiest dog ever when he heard that his time at the ACCT Philly was over and a better life was calling out his name.

Unfortunately, his happiness was cut short as his adoption suddenly fell through and he had to be returned back to the Philadelphia city shelter.

Tough Luck

a dog whose adoption failed sits sadly
Source: Dawn Timmeney FOX 29

As soon as he was brought back to his kennel, he started getting sick and depressed, turning away from the world and confining himself to a gray shelter wall.

However, his luck was about to change.

When a local news reporter, Dawn Timmeney, saw March sad and alone, she knew she had to do something to help.

a sad dog sits and stares at the wall

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