This bird seemed to have stepped out of paradise.


The more you think you’ve seen all the beauties this world holds, the furthest to the truth you find out you are. Maybe unicorns are not true, but this bird you will see in the following pictures looks just as magical and mystical as them, but with one difference – it is true, it exists. The bird has a pattern of colors that when it flies, looks like a rainbow in motion.

The white-browed tit-warbler is a bird that lives in China, the Tian Shan, and the Himalayas, and can be found in boreal forests. They have a purplish-blue coat with a chestnut cap, a pinkish belly, and an eyebrow that looks grey or white. The males have more vibrant colors than the female tit-warblers. They weigh between 6 and 8 g (0.21–0.28 oz) and are 8.5–10 cm (3.3–3.9 in) long.

These birds are not only beautiful, but they’re also very polite as their tweets make the sound, “sirrrrrr.” The white-browed tit-warblers live in pairs during the breeding season, but around its end, they join flocks of 25 or more. They also have a very colorful diet that ranges from small insects and spiders to small quantities of berries and seeds during the fall and winter.

Fortunately, these colorful birds are not threatened by extinction, which could be due to their well-camouflaged nests or the lack of local predators in their nesting areas.

Severtzov’s Tit-Warbler

© Imran Shah / flickr

© Imran Shah / Flickr

© Imran Shah / Flickr

White-browed Tit Warbler (Leptopoecile sophiae) captured at Brum Ther, Gojal, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan with Canon EOS 7D Mark II

© Imran Shah / Flickr

© Imran Shah / Flickr

© Imran Shah / Flickr

© Imran Shah / Flickr

© Imran Shah / Flickr

© Imran Shah / Flickr

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