H??? ??? ?i?ht ?? th? ??st li?ht ??m???? v?hicl?s th?t ???vi?? ??v?nc??, m???l?? c??w ???t?cti?n ??? missi?ns t???? ?n? t?m????w.
Wh?n ??ilit? ?n? ??????m?nc? ??? c?itic?l, li?ht milit??? v?hicl?s ??? th? ??-t? v?hicl?s. Th?s? li?ht v?hicl?s ??????m in ?ll c?m??t ?nvi??nm?nts, wh?th?? ??? c?mm?n? ?n? c?nt??l, t???? t??ns???t, c???? t??ns???t, sh?lt?? c???i??, t?w?? ωєαρσиs m?v?m?nt, ?? ?s ωєαρσиs ?l?t???ms. Th?s? milit??? v?hicl?s c?n ?? ??li?? ?n t? “?? th???” wh?n?v?? it’s n?????, ?t ?n? tim? ?? ???, in ?n? w??th?? c?n?iti?n, ?? in ?n? ?is?st?? ?? ?m????nc?, n? m?tt?? wh?t.
An? whil? it’s ?n???t?n?t? th?t w? liv? in ? w??l? wh??? ωєαρσиs ?? ωαя ??? n?c?ss???, milit??? v?hicl?s ??? ??scin?tin? ???sts th?t ?i??? th? int???st ?? m??? ????h???s th?n ??? m?? think. H??? ??? ?i?ht ?? th? ??st li?ht ??m???? milit??? v?hicl?s th?t ???vi?? ??v?nc?? ?n? m???l?? c??w ???t?cti?n ??? missi?ns t???? ?n? t?m????w.
8/8 Iv?c? Li?ht M?lti??l? V?hicl? (LMV)
Th? Li?ht M?lti??l? V?hicl? ???m Iv?c? D???ns? V?hicl?s h?s ? m???l?? ??si?n th?t ?n??l?s th? ??v?l??m?nt ?? m?n? v??i?ti?ns with ?i?????nt ?im?nsi?ns, ????s, ???? c?n?i????ti?ns, ?n? ???t?cti?n l?v?ls. F??th??m???, ????n?in? ?n th? missi?n, th? v?hicl?s ??? ???i???? with li?ht, m??i?m, ?? h??v? ???t?cti?n kits ?n? ?xt?? STANAG 4569 L?v?l 3 (??llistic) ?n? L?v?l 2? (min?) ???t?cti?n.
Th? LMV w?s ??v?l???? t? h?n?l? th? ??m?n?in? c?it??i? ?? milit??? ?????ti?ns whil? ?ls? ???vi?in? ? hi?h l?v?l ?? ?i?? ?n? c??w c?m???t. L?t? in 2003, th? It?li?n A?m? ?w????? ? c?nt??ct ??? ?n initi?l ??tch ?? 60 LMVs, tw? ?? which w??? ?s?? ??? ??v?l??m?nt ?n? t?i?ls, whil? th? ??m?inin? 58 w??? ??liv???? t? ?nits ??? ?s?? t?i?ls. Th? Iv?c? LMV is ? ????l?? li?ht ??m???? v?hicl? in E????? ?n? is ?s?? ?? nin? ??m?? ???c?s w??l?wi??.
Th? TATA LAMV h?s ???n ??v?l???? ?? T?t? M?t??s ?? In?i? ??? th? s?c??it? ?n? ????ns? m??k?t – ?l??it its ??im??? c?st?m?? is th???ht t? ?? th? In?i?n A?m?. Am?n? ?th?? ??c?nt c?n?licts, th? I??? ?n? A??h?nist?n ωαяs ??m?nst??t?? ? c?itic?l n??? ??? s?ch shi?l??? v?hicl?s t? ??sist th? th???t ??s?? ?? sm?ll ??ms ?i??, sh?ll s?lint??s, ?n? hi???n ?x?l?siv? ??vic?s in ????n ?i?htin? ????s. Th? TATA LAMV is ??ilt t? withst?n? th?s? th???ts with ?n ?ll-????n? ????ns? s?st?m th?t incl???s c???mic/c?m??sit? ??m??in?, ? s?????t? c??w c?m???tm?nt, ? ?l?st-???l?ctin? “V-sh????” h?ll, ?n? ??ll?t????? win?sc???ns. Its c??w ??? h??s?s min?-?l?st-???t?ct?? s??ts ?n? ???vi??s ?ll-????n? ???t?cti?n ??? ? six-???s?n c??w. Th? LAMV’s ??im??? missi?n is ??m?? ??c?nn?iss?nc?, ??t??llin?, ?n? c?nv?? ???t?cti?n. 6/8 H?wk?i Li?ht P??t?ct?? V?hicl? Th? v?hicl? is n?m?? ??t?? ? st??lth? s??ci?s ?? ᴅᴇᴀтн ????? n?tiv? t? A?st??li?, Ac?nth??his H?wk?i. Th? H?wk?i is c????l? ?? c????in? ?? t? six t????s ?n? ?????s ???t?cti?n ???inst IEDs, min?s, ?n? ?? sm?ll ??ms ?i??. Th? H?wk?i is ? li?htw?i?ht-???t?ct?? v?hicl? ??ilt t? m??t th? A?st??li?n D???ns? F??c?’s s??ci?ic?ti?ns. Th?l?s A?st??li? m?n???ct???s it ??? th? D????tm?nt ?? D???ns?’s L?n? 121 Ph?s? 4 ??????m, which int?n?s t? ???l?c? th? A?st??li?n A?m?’s L?n? R?v??s. Th? H?wk?i is ??w???? ?? ? St??? V6 ?i?s?l ?n?in? ??t?? ?t 268h?, m?n???ct???? ?? A?st?i?n c?m??n? St??? M?t??s. Th? inlin? st??t?? ?? ??n???t?? s???li?s ?n ??????t? ?m??nt ?? ?l?ct?ic?l ??w?? t? ??w?? th? C4I ?n? missi?n ???i?m?nt. Th? h?ll ?? th? v?hicl? is ??si?n?? t? ???vi?? ?l?st ???t?cti?n whil? m?int?inin? hi?h t?ctic?l ?n? ?????ti?n?l m??ilit? ?n? ?ll?win? ??? ??s? c?nv??si?n ??tw??n v??i?nts. Th? v?hicl?’s int??ch?n????l? ??llistic ????ns? s?st?m is ??timiz?? ??? ?i? t??ns???t ?n? c?n ?? ??c?n?i????? in l?ss th?n ? h?l?-h??? ?? ? tw?-???s?n c??w with??t th? ?s? ?? s??ci?liz?? ??vic?s ?? ???i?m?nt. 5/8 T???i?? LT-79 Th? T???i?? LT-79 is ? m?lti?????s? v?hicl? ???i???? with hi?h-??w?? ?i?l? ???n? ???t?cti?n ?n? ?s??-??i?n?l? ???t???s ??? ??th ????nsiv? ?n? ????nsiv? sit??ti?ns, m?kin? it ?????ct ??? SWAT t??ms, l?w ?n???c?m?nt, ?n? milit??? ???s?nn?l. This ??m???? v?hicl? ??????ms ??mi???l? in th? ?i?l?, shi?l?in? ?v?n wh?n ?i??ctl? ?tt?ck?? ?n? ??m?nst??tin? ???v?n ??????m?nc? ?n? s??viv??ilit?. As hint?? ?? its n?m?, this ?l?t???m is int?n??? t? ?? c?m??ct, ??il?, ?n? t??ns???t??l? ?n ?i??ic?lt t????in. Th? T???i?? is ??ilt ?n ? ??in???c?? ?n? milit??? T???t? VDJ79 ch?ssis ??s?? ?n th? w?ll-kn?wn civili?n L?n? C??is?? 70 S??i?s. It h?s ? 4.5L V8 t???? ?i?s?l ?n?in? ?n? ? 5-s???? m?n??l t??nsmissi?n with ?n im???v?? cl?tch, ?s w?ll ?s ??in???c?? ?xl?s, h??v?-??t? s?s??nsi?n c?m??n?nts, ?n? ??w????l 4-?ist?n ?isc ???k?s. 4/8 TAG D????m?n RAAV Th? TAG D????m?n RAAV is ?n ??m???? ?ss??lt v?hicl? th?t m?v?s ??ickl?. It is ? hi?h-s???? ?n? hi?h-??????m?nc? v?hicl?, with ? 250-h? C?mmins Milit??? En?in?, hi?h ???ss w?i?ht, ?n? ???l??? c???cit? ??? ????? s??viv??ilit?, n?m????s ωєαρσи st?ti?ns, c??w ????, ?n?/?? missi?n ???i?m?nt. It h?s ?n inh???ntl? hi?h ?????? ?? s??viv??ilit? in ? n??m?l c?? ????, with ??j?st??l? hi?h?? l?v?ls ?? ???t?cti?n ?n? s??viv??ilit? ??? Un??????? Bl?sts, Si??w?lls, R???, F??nt, R???, Wh??l-w?lls, ?n? R?ll?v?? S???t?. Th? D????m?n ???t???s ? s?mi-m?n?c????, w?l??? c?nst??cti?n, ? “S??viv??ilit? C??s?l?” with ? ??ilt-in “R?ll C???” t? ???t?ct its c??w ?n? ??ss?n???s, ?n? min?-?l?st s??ts with ??ick-??l??s? 4-??int s??t ??lts. All ?? th?s? ch???ct??istics ?n??l? th? D????m?n t? ?? ? v?hicl? th?t c?n ?? ??li?? ???n t? “?? th???” wh?n?v?? n?????, ??????l?ss ?? th? h??? ?? w??th??, ?s w?ll ?s ??? ?s? in ?n? t??? ?? c?isis ?? ?m????nc?. 3/8 EAGLE Li?ht T?ctic?l A?m???? V?hicl? M?n???ct???? ?? G?n???l D?n?mics E??????n L?n? S?st?ms-M?w??, th? E??l? 6×6 is ? m??? ????????l? li?ht t?ctic?l v?hicl? ??liv??in? hi?h?? l?v?ls ?? m??ilit? th?n its ?????c?ss??s. Th? v?hicl? is ???t?ct?? ?? ?n ?l?ct?ic?ll? w?l??? int??i?? m??? ?? hi?h-????? ??m?? st??l. T? inc???s? s??viv??ilit? ???inst ??llistic th???ts, min?s, ?n? im???vis?? ?x?l?siv? ??vic?s, th? h?ll is ??t?itt?? with st??l/c?m??sit? m???l?? ???-?n ??m?? ?n? min? ???t?cti?n kits (IEDs). Th? ?i????w?? is ?iv?n vi? ? ??m?t?l? c?nt??ll?? ωєαρσи st?ti?n ???i???? with ? .50mm ??n ?n? ???n??? l??nch??. Th? v?hicl? h?s ? ???ss w?i?ht ?? 10 t?ns, ? t?? s???? ?? 70 m?h, ?n? ? ??n?? ?? 450 mil?s. Th? EAGLE is ?ls? ?v?il??l? in ? 6×6 c?n?i????ti?n ?n? c?n ?? ?s?? ?s ?n ??m???? ???s?nn?l c???i??, ?m??l?nc?, ??c?v???, c?mm?n?, ??c?nn?iss?nc?, l??istics, ?? ?s ? milit??? ??lic? v?hicl?. 2/8 C??ill?c G??? C?mm?n?? Th? C??ill?c G??? C?mm?n?? is ? US-m??? ??m???? v?hicl? ???m th? ???l? C?l? Wαя ???. It w?s ???n??? ?s ? ??iv?t? v?nt??? in th? ???l? 1960s. It’s ? v??s?til? v?hicl? th?t m?? ?? ?m?l???? ?s ?n ??m???? ???s?nn?l c???i??, ??c?nn?iss?nc? v?hicl?, ?? ωєαρσиs c???i??. E??l? v??i?nts s?w ?ctiv? s??vic? in th? Vi?tn?m Wαя, ?n? m?n? w??? s?l? t? n?ti?ns ?lli?? with th? Unit?? St?t?s ?? ?ntil th? ???l? 1990s. Th? C?mm?n?? is th? ??????nn?? ?? th? m????n ASV-150 / M1117 G????i?n. On ????w??s, th? C?mm?n?? ???v?? t? ?? ?xt??m?l? m??il?. Th? ?i? ???? wh??ls ???vi?? ??????t? c??ss-c??nt?? ??????m?nc?. R??? s????s ?? ?? t? 62 m?h ??? ??ssi?l? th?nks t? ? 200-h? ??t??l ?? ?i?s?l ?n?in?. Th? V-100 v??si?ns l?ck?? ??li??ilit? ??? t? th?i? w?i?ht ?xc???in? th? ??si?n ????m?t??s ?? th? ??t?m?tiv? c?m??n?nts ?m?l????. L?t?? m???ls h?? si?ni?ic?ntl? inc???s?? ?????ilit?, ?n? ????t?? ?n?in?s ?ll?w?? ??? inc???s?? ???? s????s ?n? ??n??. 1/8 C???? Li?ht A?m???? V?hicl? T??kish c?m??n? Ot?k?? Ot???s K???s??i S?n??i m?n???ct???s th? C???? lin? ?? li?ht ??m???? v?hicl?s. Th? C???? ??si?ns ?tiliz? m?ch?nic?l c?m??n?nts ???m th? HMMWV v?hicl? m?n???ct???? ?? AM G?n???l in th? U.S. In 1997, th? T??kish A?m? ??c?iv?? ?iv? C???? v?hicl?s. Th??? C???? v?hicl?s h?v? ???n ??liv???? t? th? M?l?iv?s ?n? ??? in ??t? with th? T??kish A?m?. Th? C???? ??mil? ?? v?hicl?s ???t???s ? l?w ????il? ?n? m?? ?? t??ns???t?? vi? ?i??l?n?, h?lic??t??, t??ck, ?? ??il ??? ???i? ???l??m?nt. Th? C????’s h?ll is ?ll w?l??? st??l ?n? ???t???s wi??, ??ll? ???nin? si?? ?n? ???? ????s th?t ?n??l? s????? c??w ????ss wh?n n?c?ss???. A??iti?n?ll?, th? v?hicl? is ???i???? with ???? h?tch?s ?n? ? ??ick-??l??s? th???-??int l?ckin? s?st?m. S???c?: htt?s://www.h?tc??s.c?m/