The Woman Who Trained Six Unique Dogs and the Enduring Shift iin Her Life’s Course. hanh


Dogs with special needs are the ones who have the most difficulty finding a home. Unfortunately  they are rejected time and time again  as many consider them too difficult to care for.

This is very hard for them and in many cases  they do not get to know what it is like to have a family . Luckily, there are people willing to fight against this situation, recognizing that all animals have the right to be loved and protected. Just as they do, human beings must learn from animals to love without conditions, without space for differences.

Tracey Fowler  is one of those people and she took it upon herself to forever change the sad fate of six disabled dogs who deserved a family. Tracey lives in the state of Vermont in the United States.

Tracey never imagined one of her pets would need  a wheelchair . Hayden was  a beautiful German Shepherd  who was  diagnosed  with a degenerative disease .

Her last years were very difficult but Tracey decided that she would not give up and  learned everything she needed to support her dog  in the midst of this difficult disease. Hayden suffered from degenerative myelopathy, a disease that degrades the spinal cord.

For the past few months, Hayden relied on a wheelchair, but remained  a sweet and happy furry friend.  After Hayden’s departure,  Tracey decided to honor her memory.

He understood that  dogs  with special needs might require a little extra time but  they knew how to give back to the fullest all the love they received .

“If you’re afraid of having to clean up a bit more, then these dogs aren’t for you. If that’s not a problem, then  they’re not much different  than others,” Tracey said.

This is how he began to visit various shelters and  took home all the furry ones with special conditions. Now, she has a large herd and  most of them are in wheelchairs.  Now,  the Fowler pack has become very famous on social networks  for sharing the day-to-day of their adventures through  Facebook  .

“I currently have 8 dogs of which 6 are special needs . The other two are German shepherds who are in perfect health,” Tracey explained.

The dogs’ favorite time of year is the winter where  Tracey swaps the wheelchairs for skis  so they can move around more easily.

These dogs have become a great source of inspiration for many and their owner wants to  help raise awareness about the importance of supporting different dogs . Tracey has managed to gain more than 130 thousand followers on her dog page.

Each case is truly unique. If we want to welcome a dog with special needs,  we should consult with the veterinarian and learn as much as possible about his condition. Some may need extra time, but we will always receive so much love in return that it will surely be worth it.

All homeless dogs deserve a chance, they  will always know how to be grateful  to those who gave them the opportunity to feel loved and protected.

Tracey ‘s gesture   won everyone’s hearts, she changed the lives of the dogs who would surely spend a long time waiting for someone to see them with loving eyes.

Although the six dogs have a special condition and their appearance is different from the others, they have the same nobility and loyalty. Finally,  now they can enjoy a full and happy life  with the person who became their guardian angel.

We celebrate that these adorable puppies have the future they deserve, they arrived at the best place. I hope that all homeless animals find people who do love and value them unconditionally forever.

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