A couple of years ago a top secret US helicopter emerged. It is commonly referred as Stealthy Blackhawk or Silent Hawk, however these are not its original names. This helicopter was first observed in 2011 during a raid in Pakistan, that took down Osama Bin Laden. At least two helicopters were used during that raid and carried US Navy SEALs.
During the operation one of these helicopters was damaged, became inoperable and made a hard landing. After the operation the SEALs blew it up with explosives. However tail section of the stealthy helicopter survived. There were absolutely no official comments regarding this helicopter. The whole development program and any official details on this stealthy helicopters are kept in high secrecy.

It is believed that these stealthy helicopters have been used by elite special operation forces for years without the public’s knowledge. And it seems that all of their missions were successful, or at least all secret helicopters managed to return to their bases. Black paint of this helicopter, as well as other design features, such as reduced radar cross-section and low noise levels indicate, that these special forces helicopters are intended to operate at night, when it is difficult to spot them. These helicopters operate fast and at very low altitude in order to avoid detection by radars. It seems that these stealthy helicopters used only on highest priority missions.

This secret helicopter has special rotor design that significantly reduces noise levels. Wreckage of the tail rotor shows, that this helicopter uses smaller blades. Also the tail rotor is shielded by disk. It looks like noise of this helicopter easily blends into any background noise. The helicopter is so silent, that adversaries might not even react, until it is too late. Neighbors of the Bin Laden told that they didn’t hear the helicopters approaching until they were directly overhead.

It is possible that this special forces helicopter has an in-flight refueling probe. This feature is present on many American special forces helicopters, such as the MH-60.
It is likely that some parts of the wreckage form the crash site ended up in China or Russia. It is known that both of these countries are trying to make stealth aircraft.