The rescued dog’s face was swollen to double its size due to the infection, which excited Internet users.(VIDEO)

To optimize SEO content on the topic of the rescued puppy, you could consider the following points:

Use a title that highlights the emotion and transformation of the puppy. Something like “Emotional rescue story: the amazing change of a puppy swollen due to infection.”



The article begins by highlighting the puppy’s initial situation and how the infection affected his life. Use emotional terms to engage readers from the beginning.

Describe the puppy’s transformation in detail, using words that create vivid images in readers’ minds. This may include swelling, the reaction of those involved, and the animal’s subsequent recovery.



Identify and use keywords related to the topic, such as “rescued dog,” “exciting transformation,” “canine infection,” among others.

Divide content into easy-to-read sections, use subheadings and short paragraphs to improve readability.

If there is additional information about the puppy’s rescue, medical care or adoption, link to reliable sources to support the story.



Accompany the article with images of the puppy (before and after, if possible) and optimize them with alternative text that describes the story.

Always remember that SEO benefits from the relevance and quality of the content, as well as the ease for readers to find, read and share the information.





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