The Ptolemaic Dynasty was the final Egyptian dynasty.

Pt?l?m?ic E???t is ?istinctiv? in ??in? ??th th? l?st in????n??nt E???ti?n ??n?st? ?n? th? l?st H?ll?nistic kin???m t? ??ll t? R?m?. Th? Pt?l?mi?s w??? n?t n?tiv? E???ti?ns, ??t G???k ?n? M?c???ni?n ?? ??sc?nt.

N?n?th?l?ss, th?? ???s??v?? m?n? ?? th? t???iti?ns ?? th? ?nci?nt E???ti?ns. It w?s ?ls? ? m?j?? H?ll?nistic c?lt???l c?nt?? which s?t th? ??tt??n ??? ?th?? H?ll?nistic kin???ms t? ??ll?w.

Al?x?n??? th? G???t (356-323 BC) li????t?? E???t ???m th? P??si?ns in th? ??t?mn ?? 332 BC. D??in? his st?? in E???t, h? ?ls? ???n??? th? l???n???? cit? ?? Al?x?n??i? ?t th? l?c?ti?n ?? th? ???m??l? ?nim???t?nt E???ti?n t?wn ?? Rh?k?tis.

A?t?? Al?x?n???’s ???th in 323 BC, his ?m?i?? w?s ?ivi??? ??tw??n his ??n???ls. A M?c???ni?n ??n???l ?? th? n?m? ?? Pt?l?m?, wh? h?? ???n with Al?x?n??? in E???t, ??cl???? hims?l? s?t??? ?? E???t.

H? ??l?? ?s s?t??? ?ntil 305 BC, wh?n h? ??cl???? hims?l? kin? ?? E???t ?s Pt?l?m? I S?t??. His ??ith?t, which m??ns s?vi??, c?m?s ???m his ????t?ti?n ??? h?vin? s?v?? th? ????l? ?? Rh???s ???m ? si??? in 315 BC.


Pt?l?m? ?s th? ?h????h ?? E???t. (Eins?m?? Schütz? / CC BY-SA 3.0)

D??in? his ??i?n, Pt?l?m? I S?t?? ?x??n??? th? h?l?in?s ?? E???t, c???tin? ?n ?v??s??s ?m?i?? th?t incl???? C????ss ?n? C???n?. H? ?n? th? kin? ?? th? S?l??ci?s ?ls? c?nt?st?? ??? c?nt??l ?? th? L?v?nt. It is ?ls? ???in? th? ??i?n ?? Pt?l?m? I th?t th? G???t Li????? ?? Al?x?n??i? w?s ?st??lish??.


Pt?l?m?ic Em?i?? ci?c? 300 BC. (E???li??s / CC BY-SA 3.0)

Th? G???t Li????? w?s ?st??lish?? ?? D?m?t?i?s ?? Ph?l???n, ? ???m?? st???nt ?? th? P??i??t?tic sch??l, A?ist?tl?’s ??m??s sch??l. A?t?? ?n ????t?? ??litic?l c????? in Ath?ns, D?m?t?i?s ?mi???t?? t? E???t wh??? h? w?s ??l? t? ?in? ? j?? in th? c???t ?? Pt?l?m? I.

Th? H?ll?nistic kin? w?s int???st?? in inc???sin? his ???sti?? ?? m?kin? his ???lm ??m??s ??? int?ll?ct??l l???nin?. Th? li????? w?s ?nvisi?n?? ?s ??in? n?t j?st ?n ???in??? li?????, ??t ? ?niv??s?l li????? c?nt?inin? ?ll kn?wl???? in th? kn?wn w??l?, ?t th? tim?.

This ?m?iti?n w?s in k???in? with th? ??v???nc? th?t th? G???ks ?n? ?th?? ?nci?nt M??it????n??n c?lt???s h?? ??? kn?wl???? ?s w?ll ?s th? ???ls ?? Al?x?n??? th? G???t. H? w?nt?? t? ??in ?s m?ch kn?wl???? ???m th? l?n?s th?t h? c?n?????? ?s ??ssi?l?.


Pt?l?m?ic ??li??. (Vl??imi? W??n??l / A???? St?ck)

Th? Li????? ?? Al?x?n??i? w?s ?st??lish?? ????n? 295 BC ?n? s??v?? ?s ? m?ssiv? c?ll?cti?n ?? w?itin?s, c?nt?inin? ???ks ???m ?c??ss th? ?nci?nt w??l?. Th? li????? ?xist?? within th? ??l?c? c?m?l?x ?n? w?s ?n??? ?i??ct c?nt??l ?? th? kin?. Th??? w?s ?ls? ? ??s???ch instit?ti?n, th? M?s???m, ?tt?ch?? t? it which c?nsist?? ?? sch?l??s wh? w??? ?iv?n th? t?sk ?? st???in? ?ll th? kn?wl???? ?????ht t? th? G???t Li?????.


Li????? ?? Al?x?n??i? ?? th? Pt?l?m?ic ??n?st?. (Q?i?ik / P??lic D?m?in)

Th?s? sch?l??s ??th liv?? ?n? w??k?? within th? ????n?s ?? th? G???t Li????? ?n? th? M?s???m. Th? sch?l??s kn?wn t? h?v? ???n in ??si??nc? incl??? l?min??i?s s?ch ?s A?chim???s, E?cli?, th? ???n??? ?? W?st??n ???m?t??, E??t?sth?n?s, th? ?i?st G???k m?th?m?tici?n t? c?lc?l?t? th? ci?c?m????nc? ?? th? ???th, ?n? th? ????t ?st??n?m?? Cl???i?s Pt?l?m? wh? ???lish?? th? ?st??n?mic?l t???tis?, th? Alm???st. At its h?i?ht, th? G???t Li????? is s?i? t? h?v? h?? ?s m?n? ?s 700,000 sc??lls.

In 285 BC, Pt?l?m? I w?s s?cc????? ?? his s?n, Pt?l?m? II Phil???l?h?s. Pt?l?m? II is kn?wn ??? h?vin? inc???s?? th? ???sti?? ?? Al?x?n??i? ?? ?st??lishin? ? ??stiv?l, th? Pt?l?m?i?i?, which w?s s????s?? t? ?? ?n ??? with th? Ol?m?ic G?m?s in ???sti??. It c?nsist?? ?? ? s??i?s ?? ?l??ts ???ictin? v??i??s ??li?i??s t???iti?ns in th? cit?.

Pt?l?m? II ?ls? is kn?wn ??? h?vin? ???n ?n????? in ? n?m??? ?? c?n?licts with th? S?l??ci? kin?s. D??in? his ??i?n, E???t ??c?m? ?n? ?? th? w??lthi?st ?n? m?st ??w????l ?? th? H?ll?nistic kin???ms. A Pt?l?m?ic ?m?i?? ?m????? ?c??ss th? l?n?s ?? th? ??st??n M??it????n??n.

An?th?? c?st?m ?tt?i??t?? t? Pt?l?m? II is ???th??-sist?? m???i??? ?m?n? th? Pt?l?m?ic m?n??chs. H? m???i?? his ??ll sist?? A?sin?? II ?n? th?? ??th t??k th? s?m? ??ith?t, Phil???l?h?s, which ?ss?nti?ll? m??ns ‘si?lin?-l?vin?’. This ???ctic? w?s s??n imit?t?? ?? c?mm?n E???ti?ns.


A?sin?? II ??i?n?? th? Pt?l?m?ic ??n?st? with h?? ???th??-h?s??n? Pt?l?m? II. (P?t?? D. Tillm?n / CC BY-SA 2.0)

In 246 BC, Pt?l?m? II Phil???l?h?s w?s s?cc????? ?? Pt?l?m? III E?????t?s wh? ??v??n?? ???m 246 BC t? 221 BC. His ??i?n w?s m??k?? ?? c?n?lict with th? S?l??ci?s. Pt?l?m? III E?????t?s w?nt t? w?? with th? S?l??ci?s ??t?? th? m????? ?? his sist?? B???nic?, wh? h?? ???n m???i?? t? Anti?ch?s II.

A?t?? ? s?cc?ss??l inv?si?n ?? S??i?, h? ??t??n?? st?t??s t? E???t which h?? ???n st?l?n ?? th? P??si?ns. This m??? him v??? ????l?? ?m?n? n?tiv? E???ti?ns. This ?v?nt w?s ??c????? in th? D?c??? ?? C?n???s in 238 BC.

Th? kin? s?cc???in? him w?s Pt?l?m? IV Phil???t?? wh? w?s c?nsi????? ?? G???k hist??i?ns t? ?? ? w??k ??l?? wh? w?s ??sil? m?ni??l?t?? ?? Al?x?n??i?n ???ici?ls. N?n?th?l?ss, E???t ?i? ?x???i?nc? ? m?j?? vict??? ???in? his ??i?n ?t th? B?ttl? ?? R??hi?.

Th? B?ttl? ?? R??hi? t??k ?l?c? in 217 BC in s??th??n P?l?stin? ?n? w?s ? ??cisiv? vict??? ?v?? th? S?l??ci?s. It w?s ?ls? n?t??l? ??? th? inv?lv?m?nt ?? n?tiv? E???ti?n s?l?i??s ?i?htin? ?l?n?si?? s?l?i??s ?? G???k ?n? M?c???ni?n ??sc?nt.

B? th? ?n? ?? th? 3?? c?nt??? BC, Pt?l?m?ic E???t h?? l?st m?st ?? its ?v??s??s t???it??i?s. This m?? h?v? ???n ???tl? ??? t? ????l?ms ??isin? ?t h?m?. N?tiv? E???ti?n ???im?nts h?? ?l???? ?n im???t?nt ??l? in th? vict??? ?t th? B?ttl? ?? R??hi? ?n? this m??? th? E???ti?ns ???liz? th?i? ??t?nti?l ?n? ?nc??????? n?tiv? ??v?lts ?c??ss th? s??th??n ???t ?? th? kin???m.


Th? Pt?l?m?ic kin???m ?? E???t in 200 BC. (M?l?s C?t?l?s / CC BY-SA 3.0)

In 205 BC, Pt?l?m? IV Phil???t?? w?s s?cc????? ?? Pt?l?m? V E?i?h?n?s. Pt?l?m? V m??? s?v???l ?tt?m?ts t? im???v? his ???lic im??? ?n? th? ???lic im??? ?? th? Pt?l?mi?s ??th ?????? ?n? ?t h?m?, ?s??ci?ll? ?m?n? n?tiv? E???ti?ns.

In 196 BC, Pt?l?m? V E?i?h?n?s w?s c??wn?? Kin? ?? E???t ?t M?m?his, th? t???iti?n?l c??it?l ?? Ph????nic E???t, in t???iti?n?l E???ti?n st?l?, ?n ?v?nt ??c????? ?n th? ??m??s R?s?tt? St?n?.

Th? ??i?n ?? Pt?l?m? V’s s?cc?ss??, Pt?l?m? VI Phil?m?t?? (180-145 BC) w?s ch???ct??iz?? ?? c?n?lict with th? S?l??ci?s ?n? c?ntin???s ??clin? in th? ??t?n?m? ?? th? Pt?l?m?ic kin???m. Pt?l?m? VI h?? t? c?nt?n? ??th with th? S?l??ci? ??l?? Anti?ch?s IV ?n? with his ???th?? wh? w?s ?n? ?? his m?j?? ?iv?ls. Th? R?m?ns w??? ?ls? ??c?min? ? l????? in?l??nc? ???m th? w?st.

B?tw??n 170 BC ?n? 169 BC, Anti?ch?s IV ?? th? S?l??ci? kin???m inv???? E???t ?n? w?s ??l? t? s?t ?? ? ???t?ct???t?, ?v?? which h? ????int?? ? ??v??n??. Thin?s w??? ??in? w?ll ??? th? S?l??ci? m?n??ch ?ntil h? w?s ??????ch?? ?? th? R?m?ns in 168 BC.

Th? R?m?n ?m??ss???? P??illi?s L??n?s in???m?? Anti?ch?s IV th?t th? S?l??ci?s h?? t? with???w ???m E???t ?? ??c? ? c?n?lict with R?m?. Anti?ch?s IV kn?w h? w?s ?n??l? t? ?????t th? R?m?ns. B? th? ?n? ?? th?t ????, Anti?ch?s IV h?? with???wn ??ck t? th? Mi??l? E?st.

D??in? th? ??i?n ?? Pt?l?m? VI Phil?m?t?? ?n? ??t?? his ??i?n, R?m? ????n t? ?l?? ?n inc???sin?l? im???t?nt ??l? in E???ti?n ??litics. R?m?n ??litici?ns w?nt?? ?cc?ss t? th? ?n??m??s w??lth ?? E???t, ??t th?? ?ls? ??s??ct?? it ?n???h th?t th?? ?i? n?t inv??? ?n? ?v?n m?int?in?? st??ilit? within th? kin???m ?? int?????tin? ? civil w??.

In 52 BC, Cl????t?? VII ??c?m? ????n ?? E???t. Sh? is kn?wn ??? h?vin? ???n ? v??? ??l? ?n? ????ctiv? ????n. Sh? w?s ??l? t? w??k sh??w?l? with R?m?n ??n???ls ?n? l?????s t? ??v?nc? th? int???sts ?? h?? kin???m.

In 48 BC, th? R?m?n ??n???l J?li?s C??s?? ch?s?? his ?iv?l, P?m???, t? E???t wh??? P?m??? w?s ?v?nt??ll? m??????? ?? E???ti?n c???ti??s. A?t?? th? ???th ?? P?m???, C??s?? m?t with Cl????t?? ?n? sh? t??k him ?n ? t??? ?? E???t ?? th? Nil? ???in? th? s?mm?? ?? 47 BC. S??n ??t?? J?li?s C??s?? ??t??n?? t? R?m?, Cl????t?? ??c?m? ????n?nt ?n? cl?im?? th?t th? chil? w?s C??s??’s.

Sh? n?m?? th? chil? C??s??i?n. Sh? ?v?nt??ll? c?m? t? R?m? t? m??t with C??s?? ???in. Wh?t?v?? ?l?ns C??s?? ?n? Cl????t?? m?? h?v? h?? w??? int?????t?? wh?n h? w?s ?ss?ssin?t?? in 44 BC. A?t?? this, Cl????t?? ??ickl? ??t??n?? t? E???t.


Cl????t?? ?n? h?? s?n C??s??i?n ?t th? T?m?l? ?? D?n????. (Olt?? / CC BY-SA 3.0)

Th? Pt?l?mi?s ??c?m? im???t?nt in R?m?n ??litics ???in ? ??w ????s l?t?? in 36 BC wh?n M??k Ant?n?, th? ?iv?l ?? Oct?vi?n, th? ??t??? A???st?s C??s??, ??c?m? ??m?ntic?ll? inv?lv?? with th? ????n ?? E???t. Cl????t?? s??n ??c?m? inv?lv?? with M??k Ant?n?’s ?l?n t? ?????t Oct?vi?n ?n? this ?v?nt??ll? l?? t? th? B?ttl? ?? Acti?m in 31 BC.

Th? ??ttl? ?i? n?t ?? w?ll ??? M??k Ant?n? ?n? Cl????t??. Th?? w??? ???c?? t? with???w t? Al?x?n??i? wh??? th?? ?w?it?? th? ???iv?l ?? th?i? vict??i??s n?m?sis.

B????? Oct?vi?n ???iv?? in A???st ?? 30 BC, th?? ??th ?????? t? c?mmit s?ici??. Cl????t?? is s?i? t? h?v? ?i?? ?? ??in? ?itt?n ?? ?n ?s?. Cl????t??’s s?ici?? ?n??? Pt?l?m?ic ??l? in E???t ??t?? 275 ????s.

M?ch ?? th? Pt?l?m?ic ???i?? w?s ? ???s?????s ?n? ??? E???t. A??ic?lt???l inn?v?ti?ns w??? m??? which ????tl? inc???s?? th? c???cit? ?? th? l?n? t? ???? ? l???? ????l?ti?n. Am?n? th?s? inn?v?ti?ns incl???? th? int????cti?n ?? t?t???l?i? wh??t which ???l?c?? ?mm?? wh??t.

At th? ???innin? ?? th? H?ll?nistic ???i??, th? ????l?ti?n ?? E???t w?s ???h??s 3-4 milli?n. B? th? R?m?n ???i??, th? ????l?ti?n ?? E???t m?? h?v? ????l?? in siz? ?n? ?tt?in?? ????l?ti?n l?v?ls th?t w??l? n?t ?? ???ch?? ???in ?ntil th? 19th c?nt???.

P??t ?? th? ???s?n ??? th? ???s???it? ?? Pt?l?m?ic E???t w?s ?n ???ici?nt s?st?m ?? ??v??n?nc?. Di??ctl? ??n??th th? kin? w?s ? c??in?t ?? minist??s ??s??nsi?l? ??? th? ??minist??tiv? t?sks ?? th? st?t?. Th?s? minist??s incl???? th? chi?? ?cc??nt?nt, th? chi?? ?in?nc? minist??, ?n? th? ch?nc??? ?? minist??s ??s??nsi?l? ??? ?v??s??in? ??c???s, ??c???s, ?n? l?tt??s.

B?n??th th?s? chi?? minist??s w?s ? ??????c??tic hi????ch?. On? ?? th?s? ??minist??tiv? l?v?ls w?s th?t ?? th? n?m? st?w???s. N?m?s w??? ???????hic ?ivisi?ns ?? E???t ??tin? ??ck t? ???-Pt?l?m?ic tim?s. B?n??th th? n?m? st?w???s w??? vill??? ??minist??t??s ??ch ?? which w?s ??s??nsi?l? ??? ?n in?ivi???l vill???.

M?st ?? th? l?n? in E???t w?s still ?wn?? ?ith?? ?? th? c??wn ?? ?? t?m?l?s. Th? l?n? n?t ?n??? ????l c?nt??l ?? th? c?nt??l ?? th? ??li?i??s instit?ti?ns ?? E???t w?s l??s?? ?? ???nt?? t? t?n?nt ???m??s.

S?m? ?? th?s? ???m??s w??l? ?ls? ?i?ht ?s s?l?i??s wh?n th? sit??ti?n ????i??? it. G???k ???m??s w??? ??n???ll? ?iv?n l????? ?l?ts ?? l?n? th?n n?tiv? E???ti?n ???m??s.

T? ?cc?mm???t? th? tw? m?j?? c?lt???s in Pt?l?m?ic E???t, th??? w??? tw? int??l?ckin? c???t s?st?ms, ?n? ??? n?tiv? E???ti?ns which ?s?? th? E???ti?n l?n????? ?n? ?n? ??? G???ks which ?s?? th? G???k l?n?????. B?c??s? th? ??lin? ?lit?s w??? G???k, th? ??????c??c? w?s w?i?ht?? in ??v?? ?? th? G???ks.

An im???t?nt Pt?l?m?ic inn?v?ti?n in th? E???ti?n ?c?n?m? w?s m?n?t??iz?ti?n. Th? ?s? ?? ?n ????ctiv? m?n?t??? s?st?m ????tl? inc???s?? t???? ??tw??n E???t ?n? th? s?????n?in? ???i?ns.


T?t?????chm iss??? ?? Pt?l?m? V E?i?h?n?s ??l?? ?? th? Pt?l?m?ic ??n?st?. (L????nn? Gw?n??lin? / CC BY-SA 3.0)

Th? m?in in??st?i?s in Pt?l?m?ic E???t incl???? th? ?????cti?n ?? ???in ?s w?ll ?s th? ?????cti?n ?? ?x??isit? ?n? ?in?l? c???t?? ?l?ssw??? ?n? j?w?l??.

Th? Pt?l?mi?s w??? v??? s?nsitiv? t? th? E???ti?n ??li?i?n ?n? m??? m?n? c?nc?ssi?ns t? th? ??li?i??s ??li??s ?n? ???cliviti?s ?? th? n?tiv? E???ti?ns. Th? Pt?l?mi?s s??nt m?st ?? th?i? tim? in Al?x?n??i? which w?s ? v??? G???k cit?. N?n?th?l?ss, th? Pt?l?mi?s inv?st?? c?nsi?????l? tim? ?n? ??s???c?s int? c?nn?ctin? th?ms?lv?s with th? ?nci?nt ?h????hs.

In th? cit? ?? Al?x?n??i?, st?t??s w??? ???ct?? ???ictin? th? Pt?l?mi?s ?s ?h????hs. Th? s?mi-?ivin? st?t?s ?? th? ?h????hs ?ls? ?it w?ll int? th? H?ll?nistic ??l?? c?lt.

D??in? th? Pt?l?m?ic ???i??, ?xt?nsiv? ??n?v?ti?ns w??? m??? t? E???ti?n t?m?l?s. E???ti?n ??li?i??s ???ici?ls w??? ??s??ct?? ?n? ?t l??st ?n? ?? th? Pt?l?m?ic kin?s, Pt?l?m? V E?i?h?n?s, w?s c??wn?? ?sin? t???iti?n?l ?it?s in M?m?his.

M??nwhil? G???k immi???nts ?ls? inc??????t?? th?i? ?wn ??li?i??s ??li??s. F?? ?x?m?l?, th?? i??nti?i?? th? ??? Am?n with Z??s ?n? th? ??? Pt?h with H??h??st?s. Th? E???ti?n ?????ss Isis ?v?nt??ll? ??c?m? th? c?nt?? ?? ? m?st??? ??li?i?n th?t ??ickl? s????? ??tsi?? ?? E???t ?n? ?c??ss wh?t w??l? ??c?m? th? G???c?-R?m?n w??l?.

An?th?? im???t?nt inn?v?ti?n w?s th? ???????nc? ?? th? ??? S????is. S????is w?s ? s?nc??tic ??it? c?m?inin? ?s??cts ?? th? E???ti?n ???s Pt?h, A?is, ?n? Osi?is in ? t???iti?n?ll? G???k ???m. H? w?s ??i?in?ll? ?nl? w??shi??? in Al?x?n??i? wh??? his t?m?l?, th? S??????m, w?s l?c?t??, ??t l?t?? h? ??c?m? w??shi??? ?ll ?v?? th? H?ll?nistic w??l?.


R?m?ins ?? th? S??????m ?? Al?x?n??i?. (M?v / CC BY-SA 4.0)

Th? c??wn j?w?l ?? E???t ???in? this tim? w?s ??????l? th? cit? ?? Al?x?n??i?. B?c??s? ?? its im???t?nt l?c?ti?n ?n th? M??it????n??n, Al?x?n??i? ??c?m? ? m?j?? ???t cit? ?s w?ll ?s ? ??t?w?? t? th? w??lth ?? E???t. Its ??m? ?s w?ll ?s its w?n???s, s?ch ?s th? G???t Li????? ?n? th? Li?hth??s? ?? Al?x?n??i?, ??tliv?? th? Pt?l?m?ic ??n?st?.

Th? cit? c?ntin??? t? h?v? ?n in?l??nc? th????h??t th? R?m?n ???i?? ?n? w?s th? m?st im???t?nt cit? in th? ??st??n M??it????n??n ???i?n ?ntil th? ???n?in? ?? th? cit? ?? C?nst?ntin??l? in th? 4th c?nt??? AD. Ev?n ??t??w???s, th? cit?’s ill?st?i??s ??st w?s still visi?l?. Th? ?n??m??s Li?hth??s? ?? Al?x?n??i?, ??? ?x?m?l?, st??? ?ntil th? Isl?mic ???i??, wh?n it w?s ?in?ll? ??st????? ?? ? s??i?s ?? ???th???k?s in th? 14th ?n? 15th c?nt??i?s.

In ???iti?n t? its G???k h??it???, Al?x?n??i? ?ls? h?? ? th?ivin? J?wish c?mm?nit? which ?????c?? J?wish ?hil?s??h??s, s?ch ?s Phil?. It is ?ls? wh??? th? H????w Ol? T?st?m?nt w?s ?i?st t??nsl?t?? int? G???k, ?????cin? th? S??t???int. L?t?? in hist???, ??t?? th? Pt?l?mi?s h?? c??s?? t? ??l? in E???t, Al?x?n??i? ??c?m? ?n im???t?nt Ch?isti?n c?nt?? with th? ??m??s th??l??ic?l sch??l ?? Al?x?n??i?, which incl???? ch??ch ??th??s s?ch ?s O?i??n ?n? Cl?m?nt ?? Al?x?n??i?.

Th? Pt?l?m?ic kin?s ??? l?ss c?l????t?? th?n th? R?m?n ?m?????s ?? th? G???k ??m?c??ci?s, ??t th?? n?n?th?l?ss w??? v??? im???t?nt in th? ??v?l??m?nt ?? th? W?st??n t???iti?n. Th? G???t Li????? ?n? M?s???m ?????c?? m?n? ???ts, ?hil?s??h??s, sci?ntists, ?n? m?th?m?tici?ns wh? ??? still c?nsi????? im???t?nt in th? W?st t????.

Th? Pt?l?mi?s ?ls? ?cci??nt?ll? h?l??? ???s??v? kn?wl???? ?? E???ti?n civiliz?ti?n sinc?, with??t ??ti??cts s?ch ?s th? R?s?tt? St?n?, w? w??l? n?t kn?w m?ch ????t th? ?nci?nt E???ti?ns. Th? Pt?l?m?ic ??n?st? ?????s?nts th? l?st ?? ??th ?nci?nt E???t ?n? th? H?ll?nistic kin???ms. It ?ls? ?????s?nts ?n? ?? th? ??t?n-?n???-?????ci?t?? ???n??ti?ns ?? W?st??n civiliz?ti?n.

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