The owner chased the two-legged dog out of the house. The two-legged dog teaches the whole world a lesson about extraordinary strength


The little dog’s journey to overcome her fate was written into the famous book “With a little Faith” and became a symbol of extraordinary efforts.

Abandoned by his owner because he was born with only 2 legs

On Christmas Eve 2002 in America, a little dog was born with birth defects. The dog only has 3 legs, of which 1 front leg is shrunken and completely unusable.

Perhaps this is what makes the mother dog abandon her and not let her drink milk. The owner saw that the puppy was born deformed with only two hind legs and felt that it was not good. At the same time, seeing that the dog’s health was not good, he thought that he could not save him, so he threw him out on the street.

Luckily for the little dog, mother and daughter, Mrs. Jude Stringfellow, saw her and took her home to take care of her. Then the little dog woke up but was still very weak. At that time, everyone thought that this poor dog would not survive.

Thrown out onto the street by her owner because of her deformity, the two-legged dog teaches the world a lesson of extraordinary strength - Photo 2.

The little dog’s front legs were amputated. Photo: baijiahao

Therefore, many people suggested that Mrs. Jude Stringfellow give the poor little dog a euthanasia injection.

However, Mrs. Jude’s family decided to adopt and take care of it. At the same time, Mrs. Jude gave the little dog the name Faith – meaning Faith. She hopes that the little dog can keep her faith and do miracles.

Faith’s journey of learning to walk on two legs

In the early days, Faith struggled with the skateboard that Mrs. Jude designed specifically for her. For a long time Faith had to move by putting her body on the skateboard and using her hind legs to push forward.

However, after that, Mrs. Jude trained Faith to stand upright with jumping exercises. This helps Faith’s hind legs become stronger, and also helps the dog easily maintain balance when standing upright.

After half a year of persistent practice, Faith can finally stand up straight and run wherever she wants with her hind legs. And one of Faith’s favorite destinations is the park. Here, the dog happily plays with everyone without fear or worry.

Faith confidently ran and jumped on her two feet. Photo: baidu

The fact that a dog can walk on two legs makes Faith quickly become the center of attention. After everyone learned the story about Faith, they were all extremely touched and expressed that they couldn’t believe that the little dog had such extraordinary strength. That’s why everyone gives Faith great love and admiration.

The little dog and her ability to heal the soul

Being a dog with birth defects but later able to walk on her own two feet, Faith quickly became famous and appeared on many TV shows.

Besides, there are also many newspapers reporting about this special dog. Faith even has her own book written about herself called “With a Little Faith”.

After that, Faith also became a “healing psychiatrist” and alleviated the mental trauma that wounded and sick soldiers encountered after the war. At the same time, she is also the person who brings motivation to live and the will to fight illness to seriously ill patients in the hospital.

Thrown out onto the street by her owner because of her deformity, the two-legged dog teaches the world a lesson of extraordinary strength - Photo 3.


Faith became the psychiatrist of many patients. Photo: Internet

Miss Jude Stringfellow later decided to quit her teaching job and planned to take Faith around the world. The message I want to convey to everyone is: “Even if you don’t have a perfect body, remember you can still have a perfect soul.”

Thrown out onto the street by her owner because of her deformity, the two-legged dog teaches the world a lesson of extraordinary strength - Photo 6.

Faith and Mrs. Jude Stringfellow are happy together. Photo: Internet

Hopefully, through the story of this extraordinary little dog, it can help us have more faith, effort and never surrender to fate.

This is similar to the saying “when God closes one door, He also opens another door for us”.

During that difficult period, as long as you can persevere through it, you can win everything.

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