The New Stealth Helicopter of the US Army is the Most Modern


The U.S. Army has selected Lockheed Martin and Bell as finalists to build Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft or FARA. Lockheed’s Raider X will go up against Bell’s 360 Invictus. Each company will build one prototype, with the winner chosen in 2023.

The service wants to field the armed scout helicopter quickly to fill a critical gap left when the service retired the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior.

Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft is envisioned as a combination scout or light attack helicopter to support Army helicopter and ground forces.

FARA will fly alongside the Army’s AH-65E Apache Guardian attack helicopter, locating and identifying enemy tank formations and other units.

Once identified, FARA would call in Apache helicopters armed with Hellfire anti-tank missiles or rocket and artillery strikes to destroy the threat.

FARA would also locate and shadow enemy forces it doesn’t help destroy, ensuring Army ground commanders have the latest intel to plot their destruction.

Here’s the US Army’s New Stealth Helicopter Is the Most Advanced.

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