The largest production helicopter in Western Europe at the time was the Aerospatiale SA 321 Super Frelon

To meet a French armed services requirement for a medium transport helicopter, Sud-Aviation flew the prototype SE.3200 Frelon (hornet) on 10 June 1959. Powered by three Turmo IIIB turboshafts, the SE.3200 had large external fuel tanks that left the interior clear for a maximum of 28 troops, and a swing-tail fuselage to simplify cargo loading.

However, development was terminated in favor of a larger and more capable helicopter designed in conjunction with Sikorsky and Fiat. What was to become Western Europe’s largest production helicopter emerged with a rotor system of Sikorsky design, and with a watertight hull suitable for amphibious operation. Two military prototypes of the Super Frelon were built, the SA 3210-01 troop transport, and the SA 3210-02 maritime version for the Aeronavale on 28 May 1963.

Four pre-production aircraft were built under the new designation SA 321 Super Frelon. These were followed in October 1965 by production SA 321G anti-submarine ωɑɾʄɑɾε helicopters for the Aeronavale. Apart from ship-based ASW missions, the SA 321G also carried out sanitisation patrols in support of Redoutable class ballistic missile submarines.

Some were modified with nose-mounted targeting radar for Exocet anti-ship missiles. Five SA 321GA freighters, originally used in support of the Pacific nuclear test centre, were transferred to assault support duties. In 2003, the surviving Aeronavale Super Frelons were assigned to transport duties including commando transport, VertRep and search and rescue.

Six radar-equipped SA 321GM helicopters were delivered to Libya in 1980-81. The SA 321G was also modified for air force and army service. Designated SA 321H, a total of 16 was delivered from 1977 to the Iraqi Air Force with radar and Exocet missiles. These aircraft were used in the Iran-Iraq conflict and the 1991 Gulf ധąɾ, in which at least one example was destroyed.


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