The dog was so sad that he refused to say goodbye to his unfortunate friend who died in the pouring rain. Let us express our condolences to him.alva01


The video, which has been seen over five million times online, shows the  puppy standing over its deceased buddy in the county of Daying, Suining City, Sichuan Province, China.

A passing pedestrian, Mr. Xiong, hurried over to help the  puppy and was taken aback by its hesitation to forsake its deceased mate.

The little  dog appears to be peering into the camera and appealing for aid with high-pitched, sorrowful howls.

One was already dead, while the other was weak and dying “Mr. Xiong stated.

“‘Its screams sounded sorrowful.’

The video, which was taken on October 25, shows the deceased  dog laying prone while the injured dog stands over it.

Mr. Xiong had no option but to leave the dead dog behind and take the living one.

He said that he had returned it wrapped in a piece of clothes.

Mr. Xiong brought the final stray to work, where his coworkers fed the weak  puppy.

He and his employees couldn’t keep the  dog, so they put it in a cardboard box and brought it to a nearby animal shelter.

“I’m hoping that some generous soul would adopt it,” Mr. Xiong added.

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