The dog had a large tumor that needed treatment. Today is his birthday, I hope everyone will send him good wishes.alva01


Rescuers in Thailand’s Phetchabun Province saw a sad homeless dog with a big tumor straining to move in agony.

She’d been suffering from this tumor for so long that no one would help her when it got too big.

It took nearly 6 hours for rescuers to bring her 455.5 kilometers from Phetchabun province to Pattaya for treatment.

Veterinarians have detected more tiny cancers, such as those on her leg, which are tough to treat.

A bad growth on her abdomen devastated her miserable life, and she ended up living on the streets without food.

She was unhappy and hurt in the vet’s office, and her expression betrayed it.

She did, however, eat a significant amount of food…

Veterinarians explained that they would have to sever her leg in order to heal her and remove the malignancies from her body.

Even though the wounds are dry, she is doing significantly better one month after a successful operation and tumor removal.

She’s starting to walk again and getting to know her three legs…


She will be returned to the province of Phetchabun, where she will be adopted and cared for for the rest of her life.

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Today is the birthday of a sick and hungry stray dog. He is asking for everyone’s help. Please send him your best wishes.alva01

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