The distraught mother dog was crying for assistance for her puppies as she lay there immobile and defenseless! I hope someone notices and comes to your aid.

A good citizen spotted this poor dog family in a garbage pile. The mama dog was in very bad condition. She could not even stand up but she tried to feed her babies.

The good citizen drove them to a safer location and enlisted the assistance of a local rescuer. She gave them some food and water while waiting for rescuers. It’s heartbreaking because the poor mama was on the verge ofpassing away.


The good citizen drove them to a safer location and enlisted the assistance of a local rescuer. She gave them some food and water while waiting for rescuers. It’s heartbreaking because the poor mama was on the verge of passing away.

The mama made a full recovery and is now reunited with her babies in their safe haven. They have a happy health and live their best lives together. It was heartbreaking at first, but it soon became heartwarming.

We are grateful for the help and for giving this family a second chance. They would not have survived if it hadn’t been for your kindness and love.

Although various governments have launched initiatives to combat animal cruelty, it appears that they have not been effective enough given the persistent occurrence of such abuses. For instance, it is not uncommon to come across stray dogs on the streets, sometimes even restrained by handcuffs and struggling to survive. These instances indicate that there is still much work to be done in protecting animals from indecent treatment.

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