World shocked by mysterious 1,500-year-old huge mummy discovered in China

Mysterious 1,500-year-old giant mummy found in China surprised the world This Strange Giant Mummy, Perhaps Alien, Was Found In CHINA Archaeologists from Inner Mongolian University discovered a…

Unwrapping a mummies body that has been preserved for 600 years is a shocking discovery made by the Inca

The painstakingly careful excavation has been captured in some pretty grisly yet amazing footage. The mummy wasn’t in the regular shape that you would expect. Instead, it…

Ireland: A tomb that had been concealed for 4,000 years and had been found “untouched”

The burial site was discovered on South West Ireland’s Dingle peninsula when an excavator overturned a large rock to reveal a hidden room below. Inside, native archaeologists…

Scientists Have Discovered 40,000-Year-Old Star Maps With “Complex Constellation Knowledge”

The 40,000-year-old rock carvings display intricate astronomy. Recently, experts found that ancient artworks were really star charts rather than representations of extinct creatures. Early cave art demonstrates…

Human Skull Found in China 100 Years Ago Reveals Evolutionary Secrets

Archaeologists in China have uncovered a human skull that is almost unimaginably old. While performing excavations in the central province of Hubei, a team of researchers affiliated with the…

‘More Chance Of Defeating Demons’ After Tutankhamun’s Tomb Mystery Was Solved by Archaeologists

ARCHAEOLOGISTS proposed an answer to the mystery behind Tutankhamun’s tomb, as they pieced together the supernatural story of the legendary Pharaoh’s life after death. Tutankhamun, otherwise known…

Proof of Contact with Aliens in Peru?

Did extra-terrestrial beings visit Earth in ancient times? There is quite a body of evidence that shows it might be true. About 500 km south of Lima,…

An archaeologist discovered Osiris’ ancient tomb? – Directly Below The Sphinx

In Egypt, a Spanish-Italian archaeological team discovers an identical replica of the Tomb of Osiris. The tomb itself is a massive multi-level construction with several rooms and…

FIRST TIME EVER: Creepy Creatures From Below Captured

Son Dunga is the largest cave in the world. Located on the border between Laos and Vietnam. In 2013, the cave is open for tourists. Since then,…

Tutankhamun’s tomb enigma has been solved, giving researchers “more chances” to expel demons

ARCHAEOLOGISTS proposed an answer to the mystery behind Tutankhamun’s tomb, as they pieced together the supernatural story of the legendary Pharaoh’s life after death. Tutankhamun, otherwise known…