Supermodel wife of actor Jason Statham unexpectedly posts nude photos while attending Cannes Film Festival.mariko


British supermodel Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and Hollywood actor Jason Statham are a famous couple in the world of entertainment. The two have been in love for more than 14 years and have two children together.

Not only active in the world modeling industry, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley also entered the film industry.

Recently, the 37-year-old supermodel attended the 2024 Cannes Film Festival taking place in France, then she suddenly posted nude photos on her personal page, causing a stir among netizens.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley was born in 1987 and became a notable face when she was cast as the female lead in the hit movie  Transformers 3 and the movie Mad Max: Fury Road. :Fury Road) .

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Rosie Huntington-Whiteley was chosen for the lead role in Transformers 3 thanks to her outstanding appearance – Photo: Internet

Recently, the 77th Cannes Film Festival officially opened with the participation of many famous faces in the world of cinema, including Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.

While attending the film festival, Rosie often shares photos of the places she has visited, notably a nude selfie of her on a bed at a hotel where she is staying to show off her hot body. burn the viewer’s eyes.

Surprisingly, this image not only did not receive compliments from netizens, but also caused her to receive a lot of criticism. Many people wondered why she was naked and who she was trying to please.

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Rosie Huntington-Whiteley suddenly posted a nude photo while attending the Cannes Film Festival – Photo: Instagram

It is known that Rosie and British actor Jason Statham dated each other in early 2009 after getting acquainted at a party in London. Two years after falling in love, the two appeared together for the first time at the post-Oscar Vanity Fair party. 

In 2016, the couple with a 20-year age difference publicly announced their engagement after Rosie appeared at the Golden Globe Awards with a ring in her hand. The two do not often talk about their relationship but always appear together on red carpets. 

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Jason Statham and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley – Photo: Internet

Thanks to her acquaintance with Jason Statham, Rosie’s name is known to many people in the entertainment industry. The 37-year-old beauty once shared the reason why she likes someone who is shorter than her like Jason.

She said Jason is a funny and down-to-earth person, the best thing is that he absolutely doesn’t care that she is taller than him because he is always very confident about his own charm.


Jason Statham was born in 1967, is an English actor, famous for the action genre , known as “the cold-faced gentleman” for his roles in the movies The Transporter, The Expendables, and Mechanic Assassin. .. 

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