Stray dogs are only skin and bones when they eat their first meal. Today is his birthday, everyone please send your wishes to him.alva01


One long, hot day, while I was walking in the park, my eyes suddenly noticed a heartbreaking image: a stray dog, skin and bones, crawling on the ground eating garbage, with eyes looks sad. That scene broke my heart, and I couldn’t let it go.

I got closer and realized that the dog had suffered from hunger and misfortune for a long time. With a weak body, skin covering thin bones, it gasped in pain and despair. What caused such a friendly and adorable creature to suffer like this?

I couldn’t see the dog suffering like that. I took out some food from the bag and gave it to him. At first, the dog couldn’t believe his luck, but then he bit down on the food, with a hunger I had never seen before. Its eyes shined with happiness and gratitude.

I decided to help the dog. I took him to the veterinary hospital where he was examined, treated and re-housed. Day by day, the dog gradually recovered. I found it a new home where it will be loved and cared for.

Every day, the stray dog has become stronger, and every day, I feel happy to see it living happily and peacefully. My dog’s rescue changed my life and showed me that our small actions can make a big difference.

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