Strange animals of the Amazon forest


Fish-eating bats, Potoo birds, pink dolphins, Capybara… are endemic creatures of the Amazon, making visitors who have the opportunity to come here amazed.

Potoo: This is a group of birds related to owls and barred owls, living scattered throughout the Amazon forest. During the day, Potoo birds often perch on dry tree branches, motionless with their feathers blending with the bark color to avoid predators. Potoo species are nocturnal and eat insects. Image:
Potoo Birds: This is a group of birds related to mosquito owls and barred owls, living scattered throughout the forest. During the day, Potoo often perches on a dry tree branch, motionless, its fur blending with the bark color to avoid predators. Potoo species are nocturnal and eat insects. Photo: Morten Ross .
Peanut beetle: This strange insect has a head that resembles an unshelled peanut. The cause of this feature is still unclear, although scientists think it may mimic the head of a lizard, to distract predators. This insect is defenseless. Photo: Projectnoah.
Peanut beetle: This strange insect has a head that resembles an unshelled peanut. The cause of this feature is still unclear, although scientists think it may mimic the head of a lizard, to distract predators. This insect is defenseless. Photo: Projectnoah .
Fishing bat: This largest bat in the world has sharp claws like a eagle. They are also called Bulldog bats because they have a mouth that resembles a dog's snout. At night, it dives down to grab fish swimming near the water's surface using sonar. No other type of bat has the ability to catch fish like them. Photo: Scientificcomputing.
Fishing bat: This largest bat in the world has sharp claws like a eagle. They are also called Bulldog bats because they have a mouth that resembles a dog’s snout. At night, it dives down to grab fish swimming near the water’s surface using sonar. No other type of bat has the ability to catch fish like this species. Photo: Scientificcomputing .
Decorative spider: Recently discovered, this spider is believed to belong to the genus Cyclosa. They are quite small, only about 5 mm long, but using dried leaves and other materials create a much larger spider on the net.
Decorative spider: Recently discovered, this spider is believed to belong to the genus Cyclosa. They are quite small, only about 5 mm long, but using dried leaves and other materials create a much larger spider on the net. Photo: Wired.
Donald Trump’s Wig worm: This is one of the strangest creatures in the natural world. This is the caterpillar of a Megalopygid butterfly. But don’t let its appearance fool you. The hairs of this worm contain a poison that causes terrible pain if you accidentally touch it. Photo:  Wired.

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