Stork Husband Arrives Home To Nest With A Thoughtful Gift For His Wife


For the last several years, amed Addi and his mate, Antonella, have been nesting atop a chimney in Henneckenrode, Germany. In that time, the pair have had many baby storks, all of whom successfully fledged.

It’s been a labor of love for Addi and Antonella — but with that dedication to their kids comes a dedication to one another.

Silke Feser, a stork enthusiast with  has been monitoring Addi and Antonella over the years via a camera aimed at their nest. There, she’s seen the couple work in partnership to bring each new generation into the world, with Addi tending to Antonella as she rests atop their eggs.

Recently, however, Feser’s camera captured something that was entirely new to her.

On a chilly morning with dark clouds overhead, Addi was seen returning to the nest with a surprising Antonella — a makeshift blanket with which to cover his mate.

Here’s that moment on video:

“We thought, ‘Wow! That’s never happened,’” Feser told The Dodo. “Addi often brings her unusual nesting material, but he has never covered her.”

It seemed as though Addi was making sure his mate was cozy as she went about her duties as Mom.

Whatever the case may be, Feser believes Addi’s actions were ato Antonella — just one of many that have made them such a successful pair.

“I like how they take care of each other,” Feser said.

Follow Addi and Antonella’s progress in real time with Nette-Störche.eV.

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