Stories of Compassion: An Abandoned Boy Discovers Unconditional Love in a Loving Dog’s Arms

A heartwarming tale unfolds as a young boy, abandoned by his parents, discovers love and solace in the devoted embrace of a loyal dog.

Rommel Quemenales, an 11-year-old boy from Quezon City in the Philippines, has been living distant from his parents who split when he was very little.

While she has an older sister who lives in another city, because she did not have the money to travel there she had to live on the streets asking for food since she finished second grade.

The boy abandoned by his loved ones had to quit school early, but Rommel claims he always intended to pursue his education again.

This small kid has a great bond with his dog and the photos of both have been around the internet and grabbed the hearts of thousands of people across the world, after his story went viral on social networks.

Maria Kabs uploaded the photos of the boy and his dog on her Facebook account, after she spotted them in the streets. The woman was so affected that she felt she had to take a photo of the two great friends.

The story that was released in 2018 spread around the world with the photo of Rommel sleeping with his dog in his arms. In the middle of challenges.

Rommel claims he found peace in Badgi, a homeless dog who also traveled the streets alone; since then they became great friends and inspire each other to continue fighting for life.

Every day, when Rommel requested for food, he shared it with his closest friend and in repayment for this act Badgi always took care of his friend from other beggar children.

Every night, the two friends snuggled together and slept tightly together, attempting to relax from the weariness of the day lived.

The sad circumstances of these small individuals who met and lighted one other’s life afforded both of them hope.

It seems that together with Badgi, Rommel is not frightened of loneliness and being bullied, for his part, the puppy never cared if his friend was a tramp or a rich child, love was enough for this canine.

According to, owing to the efforts of many people and Maria’s viral post about her past with Badgi, little Rommel is attending school and forging a better future with his great canine friend.

This small boy, no matter what has occurred in his short life is still full of love, dreams and is delighted with the great bond he has made with his beloved dog.

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