Specifications of MiG-41, Russia’s Sixth Generation Fighter Jet with Terrible Capabilities

Talking about military weapons, Russia never runs out of ideas in making it. Perhaps this is what makes this country one of the strongest military powers in the world. In the world of technology, the term ‘vaporware’ is used for a product that is not yet available or is still in the planning stages.
In this case, Russia itself is known to be developing an advanced sixth-generation fighter jet. Its name is MiG-41.

Quoted from 19fortyfive, the purpose of making the MiG-41 was to replace the MiG-31. Earlier, in 2016, MiG chief Sergey Korotkov said that by 2028, the MiG-31 fighter jet would no longer exist.

Since it was announced in 2018, some details of the MiG-41 have started to appear. One is that the aircraft will be equipped with ramjet or turboramjet engines and capable of reaching speeds of between 4 and 5 mach. In addition, this Russian fighter jet will also use stealth technology and be equipped with anti-satellite missiles.

MiG CEO Ilya Tarasenko once said that this project is not a myth. It’s an old project for MiG and is currently being developed under the auspices of UAC or United Aircraft Corporation.

Quoted from Defense View, the MiG-41 design was completed in 2019. The General Director of MiG Corporation said that the fighter jet design was based on the Foxhound MiG-31. As a long-range interceptor, the MiG-41 will later be used to patrol Russia’s borders and shoot down enemy aircraft that pass by.

This fighter jet will be developed into two versions, namely manned and unmanned. In terms of weapons, the MiG-41 will be equipped with advanced weapons such as laser weapons, hypersonic missiles, to anti-satellite missiles.

Russia also plans to arm these sixth-generation fighter jets with the MPKR DP (Multifunctional Long Range Interceptor Missile System) missile system. An advanced weapon that can issue sub-missiles to increase the intensity of attacks on the enemy.

Not only that, other capabilities of the MiG-41 are also planned to be able to operate in very high positions. In fact, reaching outer space in order to obtain the ideal visibility to monitor and attack his enemies. Russian MiG-41 Fighter Jet Specifications Military Factory version:

Country: Russia
Length: 25 meters
Width: 22 meters
Height: 6.50 meters
Empty Weight: 50,000 kg
Takeoff Weight: 100,000 kg (max)
Max Speed ​​: 2,284 mph
Range: 5,000 km
Max Altitude: 12,500 meters
Armament : 4 x High Speed ​​Long Range Missiles

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