Acc???in? t? D???ns?n?ws, th? “Bl?ck H?wk” h?lic??t?? m???l UH-60 Al?h? h?s ?l?wn c?m?l?t?l? ?nm?nn?? ??? th? ?i?st tim? within th? ???m?w??k ?? th? Ai?c??w A?t?m?ti?n S?st?m in th? C?ck?it (ALIAS) ??????m ?? th? F?????l D???ns? A??nc?. D???ns? A?v?nc?? R?s???ch P??j?ct (DARPA) ?? th? US D????tm?nt ?? D???ns?.
L?ckh??? M??tin-?wn?? Sik??sk? ?i?c???t m?n???ct???? ?n? DARPA h?v? ???n c?ll?????tin? ?n th? ALIAS ???j?ct ??? ????t six ????s. B?t s? ??? th?i? t?sts h?v? ?lw??s h?? ? ?il?t ?n ????? ?s ??ck??, ?v?n wh?n th? h?lic??t?? w?s c?m?l?t?l? ??t?n?m??s. D??in? th? t?st ?n F??????? 5, th? n?w “Bl?ck H?wk” ?l?w ??? th? ?i?st tim? with??t ?n??n? ?n ?????.
F?? 30 min?t?s, th? Bl?ck H?wk ?l?w c?m?l?t?l? ?nm?nn?? ?v?? F??t C?m???ll, K?nt?ck?, ?n? th?n ???in in ? sh??t?? ?li?ht ?n F??????? 7 (S?? vi??? ??l?w, s???c?: L?ckh??? M??tin)
B????? th? ?li?ht, th? Bl?ck H?wk w?s th?????hl? ins??ct??, t??k ??? ?n? ?l?w th????h th? Li?ht D?t?cti?n ?n? R?n?in? S?st?m (LiDAR) sim?l?tin? th? sk? ?? N?w Y??k Cit?. Th? 6.3-t?n ?l?n? ??t?m?tic?ll? ??ss?? sim?l?t?? sk?sc?????s ?n? w??v?? th????h M?nh?tt?n. Th?n th? ?l?n? l?n??? ?n its ?wn.
Bl?ck H?wk ?s?s th? Sik??sk? MATRIX ??t?m?t?? s?st?m ??si?n?? t? h?l? ?il?ts ?n? ?li?ht c??ws wh?n ?????tin? in ?i??ic?lt ?nvi??nm?nts, incl??in? limit?? visi?ilit? ?? l?ck ?? ??li??l? c?mm?nic?ti?ns.
Sik??sk? ??v?l???? MATRIX t?chn?l??? th????h th? Sik??sk? A?t?n?m??s R?s???ch Ai?c???t (SARA). US milit??? ?il?ts ?i?st t?i?? this t?chn?l??? in 2018.
ALIAS int????t?s ? hi?h l?v?l ?? ??t?m?ti?n int? m?nn?? ?i?c???t ?n? is c????l? ?? t?kin? ?n ???iti?n?l ??t?n?m??s c????iliti?s.
O?ti?n?l with ? ?il?t ?? n?t, th? Sik??sk? UH-60A Bl?ckh?wk l??t th? ??nw?? in its ?i?st ??ll? ?nm?nn?? ?li?ht. Ph?t?: L?ckh??? M??tin
“ALIAS ?ims t? s?????t th? ?x?c?ti?n ?? th? ?nti?? missi?n ???m t?k???? t? l?n?in?, incl??in? ??t?m?tic h?n?lin? ?? c?ntin??nci?s s?ch ?s ?i?c???t s?st?m ??il???s. Th? ??s?-t?-?s? int????c? ??cilit?t?s int???cti?n ??tw??n s????vis??s ?n? ALIAS,” ? Sik??sk? c?m??n? st?t?m?nt s?i?.
“Th?nks t? th? ????c?? w??kl???, ?i?m?n c?n ??c?s ?n missi?n m?n???m?nt inst??? ?? th? m?ch?nics,” s?i? St???t Y??n?, ??????m m?n???? in DARPA’s T?ctic?l T?chn?l??? O??ic?. This ?ni??? c?m?in?ti?n ?? ??t?m?t?? s??tw??? ?n? h???w??? will m?k? ?l?in? sm??t?? ?n? s????.”
DARPA ?n? Sik??sk? h?v? t???th?? inv?st?? ?????xim?t?l? $160 milli?n in th? ALIAS ??????m. Th? ?l?n is t? ?n? th? ??????m ?? th? ?n? ?? this ????.
F?ll? ?nm?nn?? ?li?ht ?? th? Bl?ck H?wk ?n F??????? 5, 2022. Ph?t?: L?ckh??? M??tin M?. Y??n? s?i? ALIAS ??in?s ?????ti?n?l ?l?xi?ilit? t? th? U.S. milit???, “incl??in? th? ??ilit? t? ?????t? ?i?c???t ?t ?n? tim? ?? ??? ?? ni?ht, with ?n? with??t ? ?il?t, ?n? in ? v??i?t? ?? ?i??ic?lt c?n?iti?ns.” , s?ch ?s c??m??? ?nvi??nm?nts ?n? l?ck ?? visi?ilit?.”
C????ntl?, th? l???in? c??s? ?? US milit??? ?vi?ti?n mish??s is ? c?m?in?ti?n ?? h?m?n ????? ?n? ?nvi??nm?nts th?t limit visi?ilit?. Th? ????ns? s??vic?s c?ntin?? t? s???ch ??? s?st?ms th?t h?l? ????c? th? ?????n ?n ?il?ts in s?ch ?nvi??nm?nts. “Ev?n in t????’s m?st hi?hl? ??t?m?t?? ?i?c???t, ?il?ts still m?st m?n??? c?m?l?x int????c?s ?n? ???ct t? ?n?x??ct?? sit??ti?ns,” Sik??sk?’s st?t?m?nt s?i?.
Th? ALISA s?st?m c??l? ?v?nt??ll? ?? int????t?? int? th? milit???’s V??tic?l T?k???? ??????ms.
Y??n? ?n? Ch????insk? s?i? DARPA will t??ns??? th? c????ilit? t? th? A?m? s? it c?n ???i? its c????nt ?n? ??t??? ?l??ts with ???????i?t? ??t?n?m??s c????iliti?s.
ALIAS ???vi??sl? c?n??ct?? ?n ??t?n?m??s ??s???l? missi?n ?t P??j?ct C?nv????nc? in 2021 ?t Y?m? P??vin? G???n?, A?iz?n?. N?xt m?nth, th? ??????m will c?n??ct th? ?i?st ?li?ht ?? th? Mik? ?l?-??-wi?? m???l Bl?ck H?wk, th? m?st ??v?nc?? v??si?n ?? th? A?m?’s ?tilit? h?lic??t?? ?l??t, ?t F??t E?stis, Vi??ini?, th? st?t?m?nt s?i?. .