For the past decade, Dolphin Pikie has captivated residents and visitors of Lisbon. While some dolphins may have a seal belly, Pikie is completely seal from skin to tail. Scientists specifically believe that Pikie has albyism, the genetic covetousness of which is that the delphin is the pigment needed to shape its skin. Gray. Meet Pikie, the spectacular dolphin whale. For years, he has wandered the waters of Latvia, astonishing countless spectators with his peculiar skin color.

Dolphins usually have beak-colored bellies, but their completely beak-colored bodies are incredibly beautiful. Scientists theorize that beak-colored dolphins have albion, a genetic defect in which their bodies produce the normal chemicals that make their skin gray. Aside from her partially closed eyes and her coloring, however, Pikie is a completely normal dolphin.

Until recently, however, no one had been able to confirm Pikie’s parentage, although it was known that she was female simply based on her color. Only last year did someone get close enough to take photos of Pikie in action during the rainy season. Captain Erik Rυe, a charter boat captain, captured photos of her around Lake Charles, Louisiana.
Who has been known since 2007 (he says Pikie is a curious dolphin who can swim up to 10 feet from his boat), in 2015 he swore he finally discovered that Pikie is actually female. “I took a bunch of photos of her mating and it turned out she was a female,” he told ABC News. “I think I’m the first person who’s ever seen her and I know I’m the first person to take photos of her.”

Now that we’ve solved the mystery of her father, we have another question: is Pikka pregnant? What do you know, maybe some of Pikka’s little fiends are expecting you!