Rostec To Upgarde BMP-3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle With Upgraded UTD-32T Engine And Sensor Suite

The Russian BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) is set to receive the upgraded UTD-32T turbocharged diesel engine and a panoramic sight for commander’s sensor suite. In addition, the armored vehicle will be equipped with new communication systems and a complex of additional protection. The NPO High-Precision Complexes announced plans to install new communication systems on the combat vehicle. The new BMP-3 has a high modernization potential, and due to its level of armament and protection, it remains the main combat unit for infantry support.

Early models were powered by a 450 hp engine UTD-29, but most BMP-3s are now equipped with the 500 hp UTD-29M version. The engine was developed at the Transmash Diesel Engine Plant in Barnaul. The new UTD-32T turbocharged engine requires less time to be launched and switches running modes in a more rapid manner; it will also increase the maneuverability of the land platform. It will be more powerful than its predecessor – it has 660 hp. This will make it possible to start the engine faster, change its operating modes faster, and make the car more maneuverable.


The BMP-3 is a Soviet and Russian infantry fighting vehicle, successor to the BMP-1 and BMP-2. The abbreviation BMP stands for boevaya mashina pehoty (infantry combat vehicle). The BMP-3 is designed and produced by the Kurganmashzavod (“Kurgan Machine Building Plant”) some variants however are built by the Rubtsovsk Machine Building Plant (RMZ), for example the BRM-3K. High-Precision Weapons will pass through upgrades, remaining in service for a long period of time. The marinized variant of the platform BMP-3F is also being updated.

The BMP-3 is one of the most heavily armed infantry combat vehicles in service, original version of BMP-3 has a turret fitted with a low-velocity 2A70 100 mm rifled gun, which can fire conventional shells or 9M117 Bastion ATGMs (AT-10 Stabber). 40 100mm-rounds and 8 ATGMs are carried. A 2A72 30 mm dual feed autocannon with 500 (300 HEI and 200 APT) rounds and a rate of fire of 350 to 400 RPM, and a 7.62mm PKT machine gun with 2,000 rounds, all mounted coaxially in the turret. There are also two 7.62mm PKT bow machine guns, again with 2,000 rounds each.

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