Rescuer Saves Stray Dog, Unveils Heartwarming Surprise Awaited Her

This Rescuer Saved A Stray Dog Only To Realize There Is Another Surprise For Her

Many people around the world find great pleasure in rescuing doggos in need of help.

Even though they expect nothing in return since seeing the pup finally comfortable and happy is more than enough, many dogs decide to show gratitude anyway.

Sometimes, this gratitude can be shown by bringing some gifts they found lying around on their daily walks or frequent kisses and cuddles, and sometimes it can be something so much more.

The kind rescuer of today’s story sure did get the best gift ever.

No Space At Shelters

stray dog standing in front of brick wall

Adoption coordinator, Kimberley Taylor, at Corridor Rescue Inc., a rescue based in Spring, Texas, recently took in a stray dog by the name of Carol, who was seen roaming around a popular dog dump site in Huston.

“Like many dogs that find themselves on the streets, Carol was a beloved pet at some point in her life. Being heartworm negative at her age tells us preventatives were in use, and while she cannot tell us her tale directly, we can only presume finances got in the way of proper care, and she ended up roaming,” Kimberley told Newsweek.

According to research conducted by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 6.3 million pets enter U.S. shelters each year. Kimberly also confirmed that shelters across Texas are completely full and have no available space to take in stray dogs.

Because of this, Carol was not able to stay at the shelter; however, her luck was soon about to change.

Guardian Angel

A local woman who was able to befriend this stray dog offered to take her into her home and care for her. Carol was overjoyed, and decided to repay her guardian angel in the sweetest way possible.

Soon after coming into the Good Samaritan’s care, Carol gave birth to a litter of puppies.

cute brown dog laying down

Unfortunately, one of the puppies was a stillborn, but the rest, six in total, were in perfect health.

Since the shelter managed to free up some space, they were able to take in Carol, along with all of her babies and provide the little family with a warm and loving environment.

Even though Carol was only two years old and had no previous experience with pups, she proved to be the sweetest and most caring mother ever, even though she was malnourished and battling with fleas.

six puppies in the box

After some time spent at the shelter, the little family was taken in by a local family who named the pups after The Brady Bunch matriarch Carol; the three boy pups are Bobby, Peter, and Greg, while the girls are named Marcia, Jan, and Cindy.

Carol and her babies are living the best life ever.

“We would like to say Carol has told us all about her amazing adventures on her journey to find us, but for now, the only talking she is doing is the sound of her contented rumbling snores that echo through the room,” Kimberley said.

woman holding black puppy

“The pups seem quite happy to sprawl out on the clean dry towels and enjoy the peace. While it will be some time until they are ready for homes of their own, they are bright lights in an often-dim world. We can’t wait to see all their doggie personalities develop and Carol come out of her shell, but for now, it’s lots of good food, sleep and love and attention for this group,” she added.

Taylor went on, praising both the Good Samaritan and the family who took Carol and her babies in, as they played a critical role in the pup’s life.

“We rely heavily on donations to fund our organization and, without them, life for dogs like Carol and her babies would be dramatically different,” Kimberley concluded.

puppy in the hands of owner

Final Word

Seeing people working together in order to provide a safe environment for animals in need truly is the best thing ever.

Thank you to all the rescuers and families who have dedicated their lives to dogs like Carol and give them a life filled with happiness, warmth, and love.

I am sure that if animals could talk, they would never stop showering you with words of gratitude. You guys are true heroes. Thank you!

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