The Kerala state government has taken a firm step to address the problem of stray dogs, The Hindu reports. It plans to systematically remove these dogs from the streets in Kerala’s 14 districts and move them to specialized canine rehabilitation centers across the state. This decision was made due to the increase in complaints from neighbors about the increasing number of stray dogs in their neighborhoods.
The decision of the government of Kerala to provide special funds to rehabilitate stray dogs has sparked the Sultanate. Despite the opposition of different sectors, including the central government, NGOs and the Bierestar Aimal Board, the government of Kerala remained firm in its position. He believes that it is only a common right to create these facilities to address the problems caused by stray dogs in the state.
This choice has led to a debate about the well-being of street residents and the responsibility of governments in addressing this problem. Some believe that it is important to protect civilians and remediate the number of stray dogs, while other more compassionate and long-term solutions, such as sterilization and adoption initiatives, may be better options.