Please save me, they have locked me here for several days, today is my birthday, they don’t even care. I hope everyone will send me good wishes.alva01


Duncan’s journey from a sickly stray  puppy to a beloved member of a forever family is truly heartwarming and inspirational. Thanks to the dedicated volunteers at Friends of Marshall Animal Shelter (FMAS), Duncan received the love, care, and medical attention he desperately needed.

When Duncan first arrived at FMAS, he was in severe pain due to a severe case of mange. However, with the help of his foster family and a carefully crafted treatment plan, including daily medicated baths, Duncan’s health began to improve rapidly. His once sore and broken skin transformed into smooth, healthy skin, and his spirit lifted as he received affection and encouragement from his caregivers.

As Duncan’s condition continued to improve, he blossomed into a happy, energetic  pup with a unique appearance, characterized by silky white fur and adorable black spots. Though his breed mix was uncertain, FMAS described him as a “beautiful mix,” emphasizing his unique and lovable qualities.

After patiently waiting for the perfect forever family, Duncan finally found his forever home in November. Now, as a fully healed and thriving  dog, Duncan is living his best life, enjoying every moment with his new family.

While Duncan’s story has a happy ending, many other animals like him are still in need of help. Donations to Friends of Marshall Animal Shelter can provide vital support for animals in need of medical care, shelter, and love. By contributing to organizations like FMAS, individuals can make a difference in the lives of animals like Duncan and help them find their own happily ever afters.

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