Plasan Sasa Awarded To Provide Armor Package For Spanish Army VCR 8×8 Dragon

Plasan Sasa from Israel has signed a contract with TESS DEFENCE S.A., to provide its advanced armor package for the new Spanish Army’s VCR Dragon 8×8 wheeled combat vehicle. The contract that was signed by November 2021, covers the first 348 Dragon vehicles. Within the contract scope, Plasan will supply its innovative lightweight and modular RPG protection, branded as Hybrid Slat Fence (HSF), and its unique mine protection solution for underbelly and IED side blast with its corresponding energy-absorbing mine seats. Deliveries under this contract will start in January 2022 and will continue until 2026.

Dan Ziv, Plasan CEO, said: “This contract is an important milestone in Plasan‘s effort dedicated to the VCR during the past years and remarkable evidence for Plasan’s unique ability to adapt its technology and solutions to specific platform and customer’s needs. Plasan is proud to take part in this prestigious program of the Spanish MoD and will continue to work closely with TESS DEFENCE S.A. to ensure the successful implementation of the VCR program“.

In August 2020, Spain has placed a €1.74 bn contract to procure 348 8×8 Dragon 8×8 Wheeled Combat Vehicles (VCR). The contract was awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Defense (MoD) to a joint venture (JV) of General Dynamics European Land Systems-Santa Bárbara Sistemas (GDELS-SBS). The manufacturing of the 8×8 ‘Dragon’ for the Spanish Armed Forces has started in the Trubia Factory (Asturias) of GDELS-Santa Bárbara Sistemas with the cutting of the first steel armor plate. The first series vehicles of the VCR 8×8 ‘Dragon’, intended to modernize the capabilities of the Spanish Army, are scheduled to be made available in the second semester of 2022.

Plasan is an Israeli based vehicle manufacturer. Plasan Sasa, established in 1985, develops, manufactures, and assembles custom-built vehicle armor systems and chassis up-armor designs as well as Add-On Armor Protection Kits for lightweight military tactical trucks and APCs, for fixed and rotary wing aircraft, commercial vehicles, and is a major supplier of personnel protection armor. TESS Defence was born as a collaboration in the defense sector. To this end, Indra Sistemas S.A., Santa Bárbara Sistemas S.A., Sapa Placencia S.L. and Escribano Mechanical & Engineering S.L., have joined forces to form the company that manages the Program for the supply of 348 Wheeled Combat Vehicles (VCR8x8 Dragon) for the Spanish Army.

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