Patria Unveils Its 6×6 HAPC (Heavy Armoured Personnel Carrier) With Cockerill CLWS

Patria attends the international defence exhibition DSEI on 14-17th September 2021 in London. Patria showcases its 6×6 vehicle platform which has been chosen to the joint programme by Finland and Latvia. Patria’s service offering includes wide range of life cycle support services to both Land vehicle and Aviation fleets as manufacturer authorized service centres and branches. The wide product offering in Intelligence and Surveillance product portfolio will also be on display. Finland and Latvia have agreed on a joint programme for sustained army mobility enhancement to which Patria delivers 6×6 vehicle chassis platform. The vehicle deliveries will start already this year. The programme is also open for other countries by the mutual consent of Finland and Latvia.

Patria 6×6 is a versatile troop carrier providing users with a spacious interior, good visibility and easy operation. It provides high tactical mobility and agile off-road mobility with high degree of survivability. It can be adapted to various combat support roles by a specific version kit and it can be equipped with various weapon systems. Patria 6×6 is modular, high-performance but at the same time simple, robust and affordable to provide this tactical capability in larger fleet quantities. Patria 6×6 HAPC (Heavy Armoured Personnel Carrier) variant is a combat ready, modular high-performance troop transporter for modern infantry capable of providing effective fire support.


Patria 6x6 Heavy Armoured Personnel Carrier with Cockerill CLWS
Patria 6×6 Heavy Armoured Personnel Carrier with Cockerill CLWS

The vehicle is equipped with Cockerill CLWS (Cockerill Light Weapon Station) which is a lightweight, modular, stabilized remote weapon system. CLWS offers significant firepower through a wide range of alternative weapons and calibres such as 25 mm, 30×113 mm, 12,7 mm, 7,62 mm coaxial machine gun, rockets, and anti-tank guided missiles. The turret has 140 rounds (25mm) of ammunition ready for firing and 200 rounds for the optional coaxial machine gun make it an ideal system for missions requiring high mobility. It is equipped with enhanced situational awareness and C3I systems. Optional protection level 4 against ballistic threats, mine protection and wide range of other modular options enable optimized fulfilment of customer needs and requirements.

Patria’s life cycle services are provided together with local partners ensuring local industrial development and customer in-country readiness requirements. Customer proximity and local service delivery are ensured by Patria’s proven Strategic Partnership Concept that can be adapted to each country’s defence forces local requirements. The concept enables a trusted and close cooperation between industry and defence in peace, crisis and ultimately also during war time. The concept is delivered to defence forces together with Patria’s local partners ensuring local industrial capability created for the long term and making sure all country specific readiness requirements are fulfilled.

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