Ship Hunting Flying Sharks: China Has Equipped its J-15 Carrier Based Fighters with YJ-91 Cruise Missiles

China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy has equipped its J-15 Flying Shark carrier based air superiority fighters with YJ-91 anti ship cruise missiles, with these munitions expected …

Overwhelming Numbers: U.S. Air Force to Invest in Swarms of Cheap Disposable Combat Jets

Alongside efforts to develop high end heavyweight combat jets costing over 100 million dollars, from the Air Dominance Fighter and F-X sixth generation fighter programs to the B-21…

The Immortal Armour of China Jade burial suits

Threaded hand-crafted from thousands of precious stone slabs with silver and gold during the Han Dynasty about 2000 years ago, ancient China’s jade burial suits were built…

Egyptian Archaeologists Reveal Massive 3500-Year-Olds Tomb Contains Mummies and Thousands of Artifacts

Egyptian archaeologists in Luxor have discovered a massive ancient tomb in the city’s west bank area dating back to the 18th Dynasty. The 3,500-year-old tomb contains thousands…

“Mammoth” Frozen 28,000 Year Old Woolly Mamoth Cells Come Back To Life, But Only Briefly

Japanese and Russian scientists have awakened cells from a woolly mammoth that roamed Earth 28,000 years ago. The team inserted muscle cell nuclei from a well-preserved mammoth carcass into…

The First ‘Super Light’ Fighter: America’s F-20 Tigershark Was a Failed Predecessor to the JF-17 and Gripen Today

The Northrop F-20 Tigershark lightweight fighter was one of six American fourth generation fighter designs developed during the Cold War, was the smallest and least expensive of all…

Archaeologists Uncover the “Lamborghini of Chariots” Outside Pompeii

Researchers at Pompeii have confirmed the discovery of an intact ceremonial chariot from a villa near the famous Italian archaeological site, calling it a “exceptional discovery.” The…

Lavau Celtic Prince: 2,500-year-old royal tomb starts to reveal its secrets

Objects inside the tomb appear to show the cultural interactions between different worlds in the 5th century BCE. In 2015, the small village of Lavau in eastern…

An Archaeologist Discovered Proof That Ancient Aliens Visited Mexico

The artifacts found by Camacho prove beyond a doubt that ancient civilizations engaged in contact with alien visitors. The host… By lamre September 10, 2022 no responses….

Chinese Fighters Buzz ‘Unwelcome’ Canadian Reconnaissance Aircraft Surveying North Korea

The Canadian government has launched a protest after a Royal Canadian Air Force CP-140 reconnaissance aircraft was ‘buzzed’ by Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force fighters near…