This 2-Million-Year-Old Doll Was Discovered in Tampa, Idaho

Let’s be honest here, as much as we would like to think of all archeologists as these perfectly moral beings that only care about the discoveries and…

Giant 12,000-year-old ancient super highway discovered from Scotland to Turkey

Across Europe, there are thousands of underground tunnels from the north in Scotland leading all the way down to the Mediterranean. This 12,000-year-old massive underground network is…

Mexican archeologists find 7,000-year-old Mayan remains in cave

3 sets of human remains were unearthed at the Puyil cave in southern Mexico Archeologists in Mexico have discovered sets of human remains from the early ancestors…

Someone filmed a small creature that looks like an Alien in a Russian forest (video)

This downright strange creature was captured not too long ago in a Russian forest and, based on the pictures below, it should be very obvious that whatever…

Frances Egyptologist Discovered An “Alien Mummy” In A Secret Chamber Of The Great Pyramid

In 1988, the French Egyptologist stumbled upon a secret chamber deep in the bowels of the Great Pyramid of Giza if. He assumed that the space had been completely…

Aatmanirbhar Bharat Scheme: In India, The Indian Air Force Plans To Build 96 Fighter Jets

The Indian Air Force is intending to acquire 114 fighter jets as part of PM Narendra Modi’s Aatmanirbhar Bharat scheme, of which 96 will be produced in…

Could a new American fighter enter service as early as 2029?

According to the official US Air Force speech, the F35A remains the top equipment priority for years to come, and no program has been launched to replace…

Can the F-15EX become a missile truck for the air force?

The U.S. Air Force is testing the F-15EX Eagle II’s capability to launch long-range air-to-air missiles. The ultimate goal is to take advantage of the Eagle II’s…

Ka 52 Helicopter Equipped with Newest Missile ‘Izdeliye 305E’, Capable of Flying 230 m/s

Moscow – Russia appears to be using the latest missiles in its battle with Ukraine. The missile is the ‘Product 305’, Lightweight Multipurpose Guided Missile (LUMR). The Izdeliye…

Russia Has Big Plans for Combat Helicopters

Russia is finishing a large-scale expansion of its fleet of combat helicopters, planning a further focus on selective supplies, according to recent statements of some senior officials…