Leopard 2: Could This Be NATO’s Best Tank (That Makes Russia Freak Out)?

The Leopard 2 is a classic tank that is a big part of NATO. While it might not be the most modern or sophisticated tank, it would…

When Mexicans discovered the fabled monster, they were concerned.

Researcher Graham Hancock coined the phrase, ‘we’re like a species with amnesia,’ and it’s true. Despite the fact that it seems the story of human history is…

Unexpected discovery in Canada: 76 million-year-old dinosaur bones with complete skin.

CANADA Partial platypus fossil exposed from the cliff, revealing the skin with a grainy texture resembling a basketball.A research team in Alberta, Canada, was amazed to unearth…

A 65-ton ‘ant’ dinosaur skeleton recently found in the field of paleontology is a major discovery.

It stood two-stories һіɡһ at the shoulder. Its tail was almost as long as a city bus. And it tipped the scales at some 65 tons —…

Scientists at Oxford University Discover 514-Million-Year-Old Fossils to Answer Century-Old Skeleton Mysteries

Scientists have been able to resolve a long-standing conundrum in the history of life on Earth by determining the appearance of the earliest animals to create skeletons…

Mass infant remains were found under a Roman bathhouse in Ashkelon, Israel.

Along the ѕһoгeѕ of Israel’s Mediterranean coast, in the ancient seaport of Ashkelon, archaeologist Ross Voss made a ɡгᴜeѕome find. While exploring one of the city’s sewers,…

Archaeologists in Crimea have unearthed giants’ graves, which has shocked them

During archaeological excavations in the Crimea , experts made the discovery of a necropolis of the Byzantine Empire where the tomb of a giant was . While…

Chinese paleontologists discovered an extraordinarily intact Jurassic dinosaur skeleton in Yunnan province

Discovered intact giant dinosaur skeleton in ChinaChinese paleontologists have discovered an extremely complete Jurassic dinosaur skeleton. Photo: Chinese archeology.According to the Daily Mail, the fossilized skeleton of…

The look of the B-2 Spirit after an upgrade SHOCKED the world

The B-2 Spirit is a low-observable, strategic, long-range, heavy bomber capable of penetrating sophisticated and dense air-defense shields. It is capable of all-altitude attack missions up to…

Look! The world was shocked by the US’s new enormous aircraft carrier

It’s the same size and cargo capacity as the Nimitz, always good to see more carriers but not sure what made the video creator say this one…