New dinosaur fossils from the carnivorous family were found in Argentina


According to the Vietnam News Agency correspondent in Buenos Aires, on September 8, Argentina’s National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (Conicet) announced that the country’s scientists had discovered fossils of a new species of the family of carnivorous dinosaurs. Abelisaurid meat at an archaeological site near the city of Plaza Huincul in the province of Neuquén, southern Argentina.

This fossil is named “Elemgasem nubilus.” Elemgasem derives from the name of a deity in South American Tehuelche mythology, while nubilus in Latin means “cloudy days.”

According to Conicet, fog is very rare in the archaeological area, but this weather phenomenon lasted for several days when scientists discovered the fossils of the dinosaur Elemgasem nubilus.

[The oldest dinosaur skeleton discovered in Africa]

Through analysis of fossil samples, scientists determined this was a bipedal dinosaur that specialized in eating herbivores. It has an estimated length of about 4m, a height of nearly 2m.

Elemgasem nubilus belongs to the family of carnivorous dinosaurs that includes several previously discovered genera such as Patagonykus, Megaraptor, Neuquenraptor and Unenlagia.

Fossils of all the above dinosaur genera were discovered at an archaeological site located about 1,250km southwest of Buenos Aires.

This family of dinosaurs dominated the fauna of the Late Cretaceous (from 100 to 66 million years ago) of the supercontinent Gondwana (including Antarctica, South America, Africa, Madagascar, India, and the Arabian Peninsula). , Australia – New Guinea and New Zealand today).

The team leader, paleontologist Mattia A. Baiano stressed that the new discovery has important implications for allowing scientists to learn more about the species that lived 90 million years ago.

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