Mystery discovered:Rare strange creatures found at the bottom of the sea


Using expedition ships and remote control devices, scientists have captured rare photos of adorable deep-sea creatures.

The pink cod Gaidropsaus, which lives near a methane leak, seems quite timid.

The pink cod Gaidropsaus , which lives near a methane leak, seems quite timid. 

Comb jellies, or benthic ctenophores, are flat animals that cling closely to other organisms such as coral. Their thin bodies are excellent disguises.

Comb jellies, or benthic ctenophores , are flat animals that cling closely to other organisms such as coral. Their thin bodies are excellent disguises.

A stone crab and a purple sea urchin are roaming in a canyon off the northeastern Atlantic coast, USA.

A stone crab and a purple sea urchin are roaming in a canyon off the northeastern Atlantic coast, USA.

Slow-growing coral plants in the deep sea can live up to 4,000 years. Like trees, they also have rings, which record chemical and climatic changes on the seafloor.

Slow-growing coral plants in the deep sea can live up to 4,000 years. Like trees, they also have rings, which record chemical and climatic changes on the seafloor.

This squid is about 30cm long. They are a nocturnal hunter, only hiding in sand and mud during the day.

This squid is about 30cm long. They are a nocturnal hunter, only hiding in sand and mud during the day. 

A pair of red saws are mating. The male crab is "carrying" his partner under his belly.

A pair of red crabs are mating. The male crab is “carrying” his partner under his belly.

This baby octopus is exploring the ocean floor of Veatch Canyon, off the coast of Nantucket, Massachussetts, USA.

This baby octopus is exploring the ocean floor of Veatch Canyon, off the coast of Nantucket, Massachussetts, USA. 

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