Wh?n it c?m?s t? ?nci?nt E???t ?n? its l?n? l?stin? ?n? in?l??nti?l civiliz?ti?n, ?l?nt? ?? its ?ni??? ch???ct??istics c?n s??m ??c?li?? ?n? ?th??w??l?l?. S???, it is n? s?c??t th?t ?nci?nt E???t w?s h?m? t? s?m? ??? ??li??s ?n? ??i?k? t???iti?ns. B?t t? th?m, ?ll ?? it h?l? ???? m??nin? ?n? ??li?i??s si?ni?ic?nc?. On? ?? th? ?l??st ?n? st??n??st ?? th?s? t???iti?ns is c??t?inl? th? m?mmi?ic?ti?n ???c?ss. Em??lmin? th? ???? in ????? t? ???vi?? ??ti?ici?l m?mmi?ic?ti?n is n?t ? n?v?lt? in h?m?n hist???, ??t th? m?mmi?ic?ti?n ???c?ss w?s c??t?inl? ?????ct?? in ?nci?nt E???t wh??? this ???ctic? s??viv?? ??? th??s?n?s ?? ????s. B?t h?w ?i? th?? ?? it? An? m?st im???t?ntl?, wh??
Ov?? th? ????s, th? cl?ssic ???icti?n ?? ? lin?n-w?????? m?mm? ??c?m? ?n ic?nic s?m??l ?? th? ?nci?nt E???ti?ns. B?t th? ?ct??l w??? “m?mm?” h?s n?thin? t? ?? with it! Th??? is ??it? ? ??ck? hist??? t? th?t sim?l? w???. Th? En?lish v??si?n w?s ?????w?? ???m th? L?tin w??? m?mi?. This in t??n w?s ?????w?? ???m A???ic in th? mi??l? ???s, ???m th? w??? mūmi?? ( مومياء), which st?ms ???m th? P??si?n w??? mūm, m??nin? “w?x.”
This t??m w?s m??nt t? si?ni?? ?n ?m??lm?? c???s? ?n? ?v?nt??ll? ???n? its w?? int? En?lish, wh??? ?? th? 1600s th? w??? w?s ?s?? ??? n?t???ll? ???s??v?? ??sicc?t?? h?m?n ???i?s. As s?ch th? m????n ??? w??? m?mm? ???s n?t ????? ?xcl?siv?l? t? th?s? m?mmi?i?? ???i?s ?? ?nci?nt E???t. “M?mm?” c?n ????? t? ?n? t??? ?? ?nci?nt ?n? m????n m?mmi?i?? ???? th?t w?s ???s??v?? ?ith?? th????h n?t???l ???c?ss?s ?? ??ti?ici?l ?n?s. B?t, ?? c???s?, n?t ?ll m?mmi?s ??? s? c??tiv?tin? ?n? ?ni?m?tic ?s th? ?n?s ???n? in ?nci?nt E???t.
Th? G???l?in ?????n?stic m?mmi?s w??? ???s??v?? th????h ? n?t???l m?mmi?ic?ti?n ???c?ss th?nks t? th? c?n?iti?ns in th? ??s??t. Th?? ???vi?? ? win??w int? ?n???st?n?in? th? ??v?l??m?nt ?? th? m?mmi?ic?ti?n th????h tim?. Th? im??? sh?ws th? ??c?nst??ct?? s?n? ???v? ?? ?n? ?? th? m?l?s ?t th? B?itish M?s??m. (InS???h?W?T??st / CC BY-SA 2.0)
P??h??s th? ?l??st ?isc?v???? m?mmi?s ?? ?nci?nt E???t ??? kn?wn ?s th? G???l?in ?????n?stic m?mmi?s. Th?s? six ???i?s w??? n?t???ll? m?mmi?i??, th?nks t? th? ??i? l?n?sc???s th?? w??? ???n? in. Th? h?t s?n?s ?n? ??? ?i? h?l??? t? k??? th?s? ???i?s ??l?tiv?l? w?ll ???s??v??, k???in? in min? th?t th?? ??? ??t?? t? ????hl? G???l?in 3400 BC!
is l?c?t?? ?n th? Riv?? Nil?, s?m? 40 kil?m?t??s s??th ?? Th???s, ? c??ci?l E???ti?n cit?. F??n? in sh?ll?w ???v?s with s???s? ???v? ????s, th?s? six m?mmi?s c?m? ???m th? ???li?st st???s ?? th? ?nci?nt E???ti?n civiliz?ti?n, th? s?-c?ll?? ?????n?stic ???i??. As s?ch th?? ???vi?? ?n im???t?nt ?lim?s? int? th? ??v?l??m?nt ?? th?i? ??n????? c?st?ms ?n? th? ??v?l??m?nt ?? m?mmi?ic?ti?n ?s w?ll.
This is ??? t? th? ??ct th?t th??? ?? th?s? ???i?s w??? c?v???? with ?i?????nt m?t??i?ls: ???? m?ts, ?nim?l skins, ?n? ??lm ?i???s. This w?s ???h??s ?n ???l? ?tt?m?t t? h?l? with th? m?mmi?ic?ti?n ???c?ss?s. Whil? m?st ???i?s ?? th? ?????n?stic ??? w??? ???i?? n?k??, s?m? w??? w?????? ?? c?v???? with s?ch ????ics, which c??l? h?v? ??????ll? ?v?lv?? int? ? m??? c?m?l?x ???m ?? ?m??lmin? ?n? m?mmi?ic?ti?n.
As ? civiliz?ti?n ?v?lv?s, s? ?? th? m?st im???t?nt ?? its ?s??cts. An?, ?? c???s?, ???th c?n ?? ?s im???t?nt ??? ? civiliz?ti?n ?s li?? its?l?. F?? th? ?nci?nt E???ti?ns, ???th ?n? th? ??t??li?? w??? ?n? ?? th? c??n??st?n?s ?? ?ll th?i? ??li??s. As tim? ??????ss?? s? ?i? th?s? ??n????? ?it?s, ?ntil th? tim? th?? ??c?m? ?st??lish?? with ? s??i?s ?? ??tt??ns ?n? t???iti?ns th?t c?ntin??? ?n ??? ? l?n? tim? ??t??.
M?mmi?ic?ti?n – th? ???s??v?ti?n ?? th? ???? – ??c?m? ?n im???t?nt ?s??ct in th?s? t???iti?ns. Th? E???ti?ns ??li?v?? th?t i? ?n? w?s t? s?c??? his ??siti?n in th? ??t??li??, th? ???? ???? n????? t? ?? ???s??v??. This w?s inst??m?nt?l in th?i? ??li?? in k?, th? c?nc??t ?? th? s??l. U??n ???th, th? k? l??v?s th? ????, ??t c?n ??t??n t? it ?nl? i? it is ???s??v??. Th?s ? ???s??v?? ???? c?n ?? in ???nt ?? Osi?is in th? ??t??li??, wh??? it is ??j?in?? with its s??l, wh??? th? ???s?n th?n liv?s in j?? in th? ??t??w??l?. B?t i? ? ???? is n?t ???s??v??, this im???t?nt c?cl? ?? ???i?th c?nn?t ?? c?m?l?t??.
In ????? t? ???ch th? ??t??li??, th? ???? ???? n????? t? ?? ???s??v??. D??in? j???m?nt th?i? h???t w??l? ?? w?i?h?? ?n? c?m????? ???inst ? ???th?? ?? M??t, ?n? th? ?i?ht???s w??l? ?? w?lc?m?? int? A???, th? h??v?nl? ?????is? ??l?? ?? Osi?is, th? ??? ?? th? ??t??li??. (P??lic ??m?in)
Th? E???ti?ns ??????ll? ?????ct?? th?i? m?st??? ?? th? m?mmi?ic?ti?n ???c?ss. On? ?? th? k?? c?m??n?nts t? h?l? th?m with this w?s n?t??n, ? kin? ?? n?t???l s?lt ???n? in W??i N?t??n, ? v??? im???t?nt v?ll?? in n??th??n E???t, c?nsi????? s?c??? t? th?m. N?t??n is c?m??s?? ?? s??i?m c????n?t? ??c?h????t? ?n? s??i?m ?ic????n?t?, ?l?n? with sm?ll ?m??nts ?? s??i?m chl??i?? ?n? s??i?m s?l??t?. This ?ni??? c?m?in?ti?n ?? ?l?m?nts m?k?s it ? ????t n?t???l ???in? ???nt, which w?s ??c??niz?? t? h?l? with th? m?mmi?ic?ti?n ???c?ss ?s it ??ickl? ??h????t?s th? ???? – ? k?? ?s??ct ?? ???s??vin? th? ???? th????h tim?.
Th? ???c?ss ?? ?m??lmin? ?n? m?mmi?ic?ti?n w?s l?n?th? ?n? c?m?l?x – ?n? n?t ?t ?ll ?tt??ctiv?. Th? t???tm?nt ?? th? ??c??s?? ???s?n ?s??ll? ????n with th? ??m?v?l ?? th? ???in. Its ??m?v?l ??m?ins ?n? ?? th? m??? ??zzlin? ?s??cts ?? th? m?mmi?ic?ti?n, ??t sch?l??s ?s??ll? ????? th?t this w?s ??n? ?ith?? ?? ? s??ci?l h??k which w?s ins??t?? th????h th? n?s? ?n? int? th? ???in c?vit?, ?? with ? s??ci?l ??? ins??t?? int? th? c??ni?m th?t li????i?? th? ???in m?tt??.
Eith?? w??, th? li????i?? ???in w?s ?????? ??t th????h th? n?s? ?? th? ??c??s?? ?n? th? ???c?ss c??l? ???c??? t? th? n?xt l?v?l. N? im???t?nc? w?s ?iv?n t? th? ???in. Th? ?nci?nt E???ti?ns ??li?v?? th?t it w?s th? h???t ?? ? ???s?n th?t w?s ??s??nsi?l? ??? ?ll th? thinkin?. Th? ???vi??sl? ?m?ti?? ???in c?vit? w?s th?n ?ill?? with ? s??ci?l mixt??? ?? ??????nc?s ?n? t??? ??sin. This mixt??? s??v?? t? minimiz? th? n?t???l ??t?i? sm?lls ?? ??c?m??siti?n, ??t ?ls? t? h?lt th? ??c?m??siti?n ???c?ss ?? ?n? ??si???l ???in m?tt?? th?t ??m?in?? in th? sk?ll.
Whil? th? ??n????? ?it?s ?n? c?st?ms ?? ?nci?nt E???t c?n s??m ?iz???? t? s?m?, th? int?ic?t? m?mmi?ic?ti?n ???c?ss w?s ???t ?? th? c?m?l?x visi?n ?? th? ?nci?nt E???ti?ns ?s ??l?tin? t? ???th ?n? th? ??t??li??. (M?t?i?shk? / A???? St?ck)
Th? ???c?ss th?n m?v?? t?w???s th? ????min?l ???? ?? th? ??c??s??. It w?s c?t ???n ?n? th? m?in ????ns ??m?v??, c?v???? in s?lt ?? n?t??n, ?n? c?????ll? ?l?c?? in s??ci?l c?n??ic j??s, t? ?? ???i?? ?l?n?si?? th? m?mmi?i?? ????. Th? h???t w?s n?t ??m?v?? in this ???c?ss m?st ?? th? tim?. Th?s th? ?m?ti?? ????m?n w?s ?ill?? with ? ??????nt mixt??? ?? ???m?tics th?t ???in h?l??? with th? ???l sm?lls ?? ???th.
A?t?? this w?s ?inish??, th? “????????” ???? w?s ?????? with n?t??n ?n? c?v???? with it ?nti??l?. It th?n l?? in n?t??n ??? ? ???i?? th?t ??n??? ??tw??n 30 ?n? 70 ???s, ?ntil th? ???c?ss ?? ??h????ti?n w?s c?m?l?t?. Th? ???? c??l? th?n ?? ?m??lm?? ?n? m?mmi?i??. Th? ???? w?s w?sh??, c?v???? with ??????nt ?ils, ?n? th?n c?v???? with ??sin, ??t?n with s?v???l l????s ?? it. Th? ??sin ?ct?? ?s ? n?t???l ??h?siv? ??? th? l????s ?? lin?n th?t w??? th?n ?s?? t? w??? ?? th? ?nti?? ???? – st?i? ?? st?i?. In th? ?n?, th? ???? c??l? h?v? ???n ????n?? with ??n????? m?sks, ??t this w?s m?stl? ??s??v?? ??? hi?h cl?ss in?ivi???ls.
Th? m?mmi?ic?ti?n ???c?ss ?? ???i?s ?? ????l? ???m ?i?????nt s?ci?l cl?ss?s ?i??????. Th?s? ???m th? ????? cl?ss ?? n??ilit? w?s c?m?l?x ?n? tim? c?ns?min?, s?ch ?s th?t ?s?? ??? th? m?mmi?i?? ???? ?? Am?nh?t?? I, h??s?? ?t th? E???ti?n M?s??m in C?i??. (P??lic ??m?in)
This m?mmi?ic?ti?n ???c?ss w?s s?????t?? int? th??? cl?ss?s: ? hi?h-?n?, ??t?il?? ?m??lmin? ???c?ss ??? th? ????? cl?ss ?n? n??ilit?, ?s ??t?il?? ???v?; ? mi?-??n?? ???c?ss; ?n? ? l?w?? cl?ss ???c?ss ??? th? ?????st citiz?ns. Lik?wis?, th? ?m??lmin? ???c?ss w?s m?st lik?l? ??n? ?? ?i?????nt c?st?s ?? ???ici?ls: th? hi?h-?n? m?mmi?ic?ti?n w?s ??n? ?? ??i?sts ?? im???t?nc? ?n? n??l? ??ck????n?, whil? th? l?w?st cl?ss ???c?ss w?s ??ssi?l? ??n? ?? initi?t?s ?n? th? l?w?st cl?ss in E???ti?n ??i?sth???.
D???n?in? ?n th? cl?ss ??? c??l? ??????, th? ???? c??l? ?? t???t?? ?cc???in?l?. S?m? ???? ??mili?s ch?s? t? ?ll?w th? ???c?ss ?? ??c?m??siti?n t? ???in ?????? ?ivin? th? ???? ?w?? t? th? ?m??lm??s. I? th?? ?i? n?t ?? s?, th? ???i?s ?? ??c?ntl? ??c??s?? ???n? w?m?n w??l? ?? ??s?c??t?? th????h n?c???hili?.
Th? ???c?ss?s ?i?????? t?? ????n?in? ?n s?ci?l st?t?s. F?? th? mi?-??n?? ?m??lmin? ???c?ss, th??? w??? ??w?? st??s. Th? ????min?l c?vit? w?s n?t ???n??: inst??? it w?s ?ill?? with c???? ?il which li????i?? th?m ?n? th?? w??? sim?l? ?????? ??t. A?t?? th? ??h????ti?n w?s ??n?, th? ???? w?s ?iv?n ?v?? t? th? ??mil?. Th? l?w?st cl?ss ?? ?m??lmin? w?s ?v?n m??? ?????? ?n? v??? c????. B?si??s th? ?v??-???s?nt ??ssi?ilit? ?? n?c???hili?, th? ???? w?s sim?l? ?n? ??ickl? ??v?i? ?? ?ll int??n?l ????ns, l?i? in n?t??n ??? ? c??t?in n?m??? ?? ???s, ?n? ?nc? c?m?l?t?l? ??sicc?t??, it w?s ??t??n?? t? th? ??mil? in th?t w?? ??? ???i?l.
This ??t?il?? in???m?ti?n ??????in? m?mmi?ic?ti?n ???c?ss ???vi??s im???t?nt insi?ht int? th? s?ci?l ?ivisi?ns th?t ?xist?? in ?nci?nt E???t. Alth???h s?????t?? int? cl?ss?s, th? m?mmi?ic?ti?n ???c?ss w?s ??n???ll? ?v?il??l? t? ?v??? citiz?n, ?ich ?? ????. This w?s ??? t? th? im???t?nt ??li??s c?nt???? ?n ???th.
C?n??ic j??s w??? ?s?? t? st??? th? int??n?l ????ns ?? th? ??c??s?? which w??? n????? in th? ??t??li??. E?ch ?????s?nt?? ? ?i?????nt ??it? with th? h??? ?? ? j?ck?l, ?n ???, ? h?wk ?n? ? h?m?n. (P??lic ??m?in)
Th? ???c?ss?s ??sc?i??? ???v? ?ll?w ?x???ts t? ????c? th?t int??n?l ????ns w??? ??li?v?? t? ?? ?? ???tic?l?? im???t?nc?. Wh? w??? th?? ?l?c?? in s??ci?l c?n??ic j??s? Th?s? j??s ?s??ll? n?m????? ????, ?n? ?????s?nt?? th? ???? ?????i?ns ?? th? int??n?l ????ns. A k?? ???t ?? th? ????, th?? t?? n????? t? ?? ???s??v?? ??? th? ??t??li??. Th?? w??? th?s ??????? ?? th? ???? S?ns ?? H???s, m?j?? ???t?ctiv? ??iti?s ??s??nsi?l? ?xcl?siv?l? ??? this ??l? – ?????in? th? int??n?l ????ns.
Th?s? ??iti?s w??? H???, D??m?t??, Ims?t?, ?n? Q??hs?n??? – ?n? ??ch ?n? h?? his ??l?. H??? w?s th? ???-h????? ??? wh? ??????? th? l?n?s ?? th? ??c??s??. Th? st?m?ch w?s ??????? ?? D??m?t??, th? j?ck?l-h????? ???. Q??hs?n??? w?s h?wk-h????? ?n? ???t?ct?? th? sm?ll ?n? l???? int?stin?s. Fin?ll?, Ims?t?, th? h?m?n-h????? ???, ??????? th? liv??. Th? h???t w?s n?t ??m?v??: it st???? insi?? th? ???? t? ?? w?i?h?? ?n th? sc?l?s ?? th? G????ss M??t, ???inst ? ???th?? in th? H?ll ?? J???m?nt.
This ?l?????t? ?m??lmin? ???c?ss, ?n? th? int?ic?t? ??li??s ?ss?ci?tin? it, ??? ??st ??s??v?? in th? ???i?ls ?? hi?h-cl?ss ???s?ns, ?h????hs, ?n? n??l?s. An ic?nic ?x?m?l? is th? ???i?l ?? T?t?nkh?m?n, th? ??m?? ?h????h ?? th? 18th ??n?st?. Ev?n th???h th? m?mm? is ????hl? 3,300 ????s ?l?, it n?v??th?l?ss sh?wc?s?s th? ???c?ss in st?nnin? ??t?il.
Th? kin? w?s l?vishl? ???????? ??? his j???n?? int? th? ??t??li??. His m?mmi?i?? ???? w?s ???t?ct?? ?? th??? s??ci?l c???ins, n?st?? int? ?n? ?n?th??, ?n? th?n h??s?? int? ? s??c??h???s ?n? ???th?? ???? n?st?? ch?m???s. B?t th? ?ct??l m?mmi?i?? ???? w?s ?? ???tic?l?? int???st t? ??s???ch??s ?s it ???vi??? im???t?nt ?n???st?n?in? ?? th? m?mmi?ic?ti?n ???c?ss its?l?.
Th? ???? ?? th? ?h????h w?s w?????? in n?m????s lin?n l????s, ?n? ?xc?ssiv?l? c?v???? with s??ci?l ?ils. Ev??? s?cc?ssiv? l???? ?? w????in?s c?nt?in?? ???ci??s it?ms th?t w??l? s??v? th? ?h????h in his ??t??li??. T???th?? with his ?ich ???i?l ????s, th? m?mm? ?? T?t?nkh?m?n ??m?ins ?n? ?? th? m?st im???t?nt ?isc?v??i?s in E???t.
Th? t?m? ?? T?t?nkh?m?n w?s ?isc?v???? ?? ??ch???l??ist H?w??? C??t?? in 1922. Th? m?mm? ?? th? ??m?? ?h????h ???vi??? ? w??lth ?? in???m?ti?n ????t th? m?mmi?ic?ti?n ???c?ss. (P??lic ??m?in)
It is im???t?nt t? ??m?m??? th?t th? ?nci?nt E???ti?ns ?i? n?t ?nl? m?mmi?? th?i? ??c??s?? citiz?ns. Anim?ls w?nt th????h th? s?m? ???c?ss?s – ?n? in ????t n?m???s t??. Whil? th??? ??? ??ssi?iliti?s th?t s?m? ?nim?ls w??? m?mmi?i?? ?s h??s?h?l? ??ts t? ?cc?m??n? th?i? ?wn??s, m?st ?th??s w??? m?mmi?i?? ?s s?c?i?ic?s t? th? ???s.
Sinc? ? v?st m?j??it? ?? E???ti?n ??iti?s h?? ?nim?l ?s??cts, ??s??ctiv? ?nim?ls w??? ?s?? t? h?n?? th?m ?n? ??in th?i? ??v??. A?ch??l??ists h?v? ?isc?v???? ?nti?? c?m?t??i?s ?ill?? with n?thin? ??t v??i??s ?nim?l m?mmi?s: h?wks, c??c??il?s, i?is?s, c?ts, ?????ns, ?ish, m?n???s?, j?ck?ls, ???s, ???tl?s, s????nts, ?n? m?n? ?th??s. Th?s? ?nim?ls w??? ??????? in ????t n?m???s. It is ?stim?t?? th?t in th? S?????? ???i?l ?i?l?s ?l?n? th??? ??? ?v?? 500,000 m?mmi?i?? i?is?s. Enti?? ?i?l?s ?? m?mmi?i?? c?ts w??? lik?wis? ?isc?v????.
H?w?v?? w? ch??s? t? l??k ?t this ???c?ss, t? th? m????n min?s?t it c??l? ?????? ??izzl? ?n? ????lsiv?, t? th? ?nci?nt E???ti?ns th? m?mmi?ic?ti?n ???c?ss w?s ??n??m?nt?l ?n? s?c???. S?ch ?n ?l?????t? ???s??v?ti?n ?? ???? ???i?s w?s ? s??? si?n th?t th? s??l w??l? ???ch th? ??t??li??. On? c?n ?ls? ?ss?m? th?t th?i? vi?w ?? ???th w?s m?ch m??? n?t???l.
Ov???ll, th? ???c?ss ?? m?mmi?ic?ti?n ?n? ?m??lmin? ?i?????? ????tl? ???m ?th?? n?i?h???in? ??n????? ???ctic?s ?? th? tim?. Th? ?nci?nt G???ks ?n? l?t?? th? R?m?ns, ?i? n?t h?v? s?ch ???ctic?s. An?, ???h??s, m?st im???t?ntl?, th? ???c?ss t?lls ?s j?st h?w ??v?nc?? th? ?nci?nt E???ti?n civiliz?ti?n w?s in ?v??? ?s??ct. T? ?iv? s? m?ch c??? t? ???s??vin? ? ???? ???? ?n? t? ??v?l?? s?ch inn?v?tiv? w??s t? ?? it is ? t?llt?l? si?n ?? th? ?ni??? ch???ct?? ?? ?nci?nt E???t.