Mr. Obama: America is ready for a president Kamala Harris.-davinci

Former US President Barack Obama placed his trust in Vice President Kamala Harris when she represents the Democratic Party to run for president later this year.
Mr. Obama: America is ready for a president Kamala Harris – 1
Former US President Barack Obama (Photo: Reuters).

“America is ready for a new chapter. America is ready for a better story. We are ready for a President Kamala Harris,” former President Barack Obama said on the second night of the conference National Democratic Party on August 20.

He praised Vice President Kamala Harris, who is about to officially receive the nomination to represent the Democratic Party to run for president next November. The 44th President of the United States shared that Ms. Harris gave him great hope.

“Kamala Harris is ready for work. This is someone who has spent her life fighting on behalf of those who need a voice. Ms. Harris was not born with privilege. She had to work for it.” what she has and she really cares about what other people are going through. She is someone who is willing to run to help when you need it,” Mr. Obama said.

He described Ms. Harris and her vice presidential running mate Tim Walz as people who will care about workers and low-income people.

“In this new economy, we need a president who truly cares about the millions of people across the country who wake up every day to do essential work as health care workers caring for the sick, We need a president who stands up for the right to negotiate for better wages and working conditions for workers. Ms. Kamala Harris would be such a president “, he emphasized.

Meanwhile, he implicitly attacked former President Donald Trump, the Republican candidate.

“We don’t need four more years of noise and chaos. We’ve seen that movie and we all know that the sequels are usually worse,” he said. Mr. Obama said that now, Mr. Trump is “afraid of losing” to Ms. Harris.

In his speech, Mr. Obama also did not forget to praise President Joe Biden, who served two terms as vice president in his administration. However, he also emphasized that now, Mr. Biden has handed over the “torch” to Ms. Harris.

“The torch has been passed. Now we all have to fight for America,” he shared.

At the end of his speech, he called on Democratic party members and voters to vote in support of Ms. Harris and candidate Tim Walz.

“I believe that’s why, if each of us does our part over the next 77 days, if we knock on doors, make phone calls, talk to friends and listen to neighbors, if We work like never before, we will elect Ms. Kamala Harris as president and Mr. Tim Walz as the next vice president of the United States,” he said.

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