Th? A?st??li?n ???nch ?? Rh?inm?t?ll D???ns? is ??????in? ??? wh?t c??l? ?? A?st??li?’s l????st ?x???t ???l ?v??. Th? m?in ??c?s ?? this m?n?m?nt?l t??ns?cti?n is th? ?????cti?n ?n? ??liv??? ?? 100 B?x?? h??v? w????n-t??? c???i??s, ??stin?? ??? th? G??m?n A?m?, ?? th? B?n??sw?h?.
Ph?t? c???it: Rh?inm?t?ll This ?xt?????in??? ???l is s?????t?? ?? ? ??m??k??l? inv?stm?nt ?? ?????xim?t?l? 2.7 ?illi?n ????s [$2.9 ?illi?n]. Th? c?nt??ct in t?t?l ?nc?m??ss?s 123 v?hicl?s, h?w?v??, 100 ?? th?s? ??? m??k?? ??? ?????cti?n within th? “l?n? ??wn ?n???”. As ??v??l?? ?? N?th?n P??n??, th? M?n??in? Di??ct?? ?? Rh?inm?t?ll’s A?st??li?n ?ivisi?n, w? c?n ?ntici??t? th? ?i?st A?st??li?n-m??? B?x?? v?hicl?s t? ??ll ??t ?s ???l? ?s 2026.
A???t B?x?? Th? B?x?? is ? v??s?til? ??m???? ?i?htin? v?hicl? ??v?l???? ?? th? int??n?ti?n?l c?ns??ti?m, ARTEC Gm?H, ??s?? in G??m?n?. Th? v??s?tilit? ?? this ?l?t???m s?ts it ????t ?s it c?n s??v? in n?m????s c???citi?s, m?st n?t??l? ?s ? s??st?nti?l w????n c???i??.
An ?x?min?ti?n ?? th? B?x??’s ?im?nsi?ns ??v??ls ? ????st, hi?h-??????m?nc? v?hicl? s?it??l? ??? h??v?-??t? ?ssi?nm?nts. Th? l?n?th, wi?th, ?n? h?i?ht m??s???m?nts ??? ?????xim?t?l? 7.93 m?t??s, 2.99 m?t??s, ?n? 2.37 m?t??s ??s??ctiv?l?, ???l?ctin? its im???ssiv? st?t???. D???n?in? ?n th? s??ci?ic c?n?i????ti?n, th? B?x??’s c?m??t w?i?ht ?l?ct??t?s ??tw??n 24 t? 36.5 t?ns.
Wh?t s?ts th? B?x?? ????t is its m???l?? ??si?n which is in lin? with c????nt c?m??t ??m?n?s. This ??si?n ??cilit?t?s th? ???l?c?m?nt ?? ??m???? ???ts ?n? c?st?miz?ti?n ?s ??? s??ci?ic missi?n ????i??m?nts. F??th??m???, it h??s?s st?t?-??-th?-??t ???t?cti?n ?l?m?nts, incl??in? ????t??l? ??m?? th?t c?n ?? ???????? t? ????n? ???inst v??i??s th???ts.
Ph?t? c???it: KMW Th? B?x??’s ??ck Th? B?x?? is ??w???? ?? ? ????st MTU 8V199 TE20 ?i?s?l ?n?in? th?t ??n???t?s ? m?xim?m ?? 720 h??s???w??. This ?n?in?, c???l?? with th? ??v?nc?? s?s??nsi?n s?st?m, ?ll?ws th? B?x?? t? ???ch s????s ?? ?? t? 103 km/h ?n ????s ?n? ?? t? 10 km/h in w?t??.
Th? B?x?? ??ck’s m??? th?n j?st ??w?? ?n? ???t?cti?n; its ?????ti?n?l ??n?? is ????ll? im???ssiv?. With ?n ?xc??ti?n?l m?xim?m ???? ??n?? ?? ????t 1,050 kil?m?t??s with??t n???in? t? ?????l, it ?????s ?xt?n??? m??ilit?. A??in? t? its ????t??ilit?, it’s ?i?-t??ns???t??l? ?n? c?n ?? swi?tl? ?i?li?t?? ?sin? ?n A400M ?i?c???t. Als? w??th n?tin?, th? B?x?? c?n n?vi??t? w?t?? ???i?s with its ???l ?????ll??s c?nt?i??tin? t? its ?m?hi?i??s ch???ct??istics.
Th? s?l?cti?n ?? w????ns ?v?il??l? ??? th? B?x?? is ??t??min?? ?? its c????nt c?n?i????ti?n. As ? h??v? w????n t??ns???t??, it c?n h?l? ?n ????? ?? w????n s?st?ms, s??nnin? ???m ?nti-t?nk ??i??? missil?s t? ??t?m?tic ???n??? l??nch??s ?n? h??v? m?chin? ??ns. In ???iti?n, its v?hicl? t????t c?n ?? ???i???? with m?lti?l? s?ns??s ?n? t????tin? s?st?ms, ?nh?ncin? its ?v???ll c?m??t c????ilit?.
Th? G??m?n B?x?? ??????m Rh?inm?t?ll’s C?nt?? ?? Exc?ll?nc? ??? Milit??? V?hicl?s, ??s?? in S??th E?st Q???nsl?n?, will ?? ??s??nsi?l? ??? th? ?????cti?n ?? G??m?n B?x??s. This st?t?-??-th?-??t ??cilit? ?l????? ?m?l??s m??? th?n 650 ?x???ts skill?? in v?hicl? ?ss?m?l?, ??m?m?nts, ?n? int?ic?t? ?l?ct??nics ??? A?st??li? ?n? its ?l???l ?lli?s.
Ph?t? c???it: D???nc? G????i?n A?min P????????, CEO ?? Rh?inm?t?ll, ?x???ss?? his ??li?ht ?v?? th? ?nh?nc?? st??t??ic ????ns? c??????ti?n ??tw??n G??m?n? ?n? A?st??li?. H? ?tt?i??t?? th? s?cc?ss ?? th? A?st??li?n G??m?n B?x?? ??????m t? Rh?inm?t?ll’s ?n???in? c?mmitm?nt t? ?????ct inn?v?ti?n ?n? s??histic?t?? m?n???ct??in? within A?st??li?, which, in his ??ini?n, h?s si?ni?ic?ntl? ??lst???? ?l???l s?c??it? ?????ts.
B?si??s ?ss?m?lin? 211 B?x?? v?hicl?s c?mmissi?n?? ?n??? A?st??li?’s LAND 400 Ph?s? 2 ???j?ct – incl??in? 133 CRV v??i?nts ???i???? with ? m?nn?? ?i?it?l L?nc? t????t – Rh?inm?t?ll ?ls? m?int?ins th? A?st??li?n A?m?’s ?x??nsiv? HX t??ck ?l??t ?? ?v?? 2,900 v?hicl?s. A??iti?n?ll?, th? c?m??n? ???vi??s th? MASS M?lti-Amm?niti?n S??t-Kill S?st?m ??? th? R???l A?st??li?n N?v?, m?n???s ????ns? t??inin? ??????m ?????ti?ns, ?n? h?s s?cc?ss??ll? s???li?? ?v?? 200 HX t??cks t? th? N?w Z??l?n? D???ns? F??c?.
B?x?? ?????t??s Ph?t? c???it: Wiki???i? C????ntl?, th? B?x?? m?lti??l? ??m???? ?i?htin? v?hicl?, ?lt??n?tiv?l? kn?wn ?s th? B?x?? h??v? w????n c???i??, is ?m?l???? ?? ???? c??nt?i?s: G??m?n?, th? N?th??l?n?s, A?st??li?, ?n? Lith??ni?. G??m?n? ???sts th? l????st ?l??t ?? th?s? v?hicl?s, ??ss?ssin? ?????xim?t?l? 405 in th?i? ??m???. Th? N?th??l?n?s isn’t ??? ??hin?, with ? ?l??t ?? ????n? 200 B?x??s, whil? Lith??ni? m?int?ins ? ??l?tiv?l? sm?ll?? n?m???, with ?n ?stim?t?? 88 v?hicl?s.
M????v??, th? B?x?? h?s ?i???? th? int???st ?? th? Unit?? Kin???m in ??lst??in? its ????ns? s?st?m. Th? UK Minist?? ?? D???ns? h?s ?nn??nc?? its int?nti?n t? ???c??? 500 ?? th?s? ???mi???l? v?hicl?s.
C?nv??s?ti?ns ??? ?ls? ?n???w?? with ?th?? n?ti?ns th?t h?v? ?x???ss?? int???st in th? h??v?-??t? B?x?? c???i??. Th?s? n?ti?ns incl??? Sl?v?ni? ?n? In??n?si?, ?lth???h th? ?x?ct n?m???s th?? int?n? t? ???c??? ??m?in ?n?iscl?s??. O? c???s?, w? m?st ???? in min? th?t th?s? n?m???s ??? ???n? t? ch?n??, ?s th??’?? ?ict?t?? ?? ??ct??s s?ch ?s ?????t ?ll?c?ti?ns, th? ?v??-ch?n?in? l?n?sc??? ?? st??t??ic ????ns? ????i??m?nts, ?n? th? ?n????ict??ilit? ?? ??litic?l ??cisi?n-m?kin?.