Minnesota quarry workers were “amazed” to find an ancient skeleton that was 10 feet tall


More than 150 years ago, workers from the Sauk Rapids Water Power Co. discovered the remains of a 10-foot-tall monster near the Mississippi River’s shores.

The story regarding the discovery claimed that it was “the largest skeleton ever uncovered on Earth.”

Unexpectedly, the bones weren’t found until the next day. The bones were allegedly sold to a circus and sent by train. What happened to the bones? Was everything a cover-up orchestrated by the governing class to keep the whole thing under wraps?

The workers “found the bones of a human being of monstrous dimensions stuck in solid granite rock,” according to government authorities.

The interment was estimated to be around 2 feet below the level of the river.

More than 150 years later, no one can fully say for sure if the story is true. Mary Ostby said that the entire episode was a true account.

Whatever the circumstances, the story of the construction workers discovering a giant’s remains has captivated audiences all over the world. Whether you believe it or not is up to you, as we like to say

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