Millions of animal lovers’ hearts melt when a mother leopard adopts a newborn and raises it with unconditional affection.


Humans can learn so much from the natural world. While we often struggle to get along with each other, animals can make room in their hearts even for natural enemies.

An excerpt from the 2006 National Geographic documentary ‘Eye Of The Leopard’ captures the extraordinary moment when a leopard’s maternal instinct outweighed her predatory nature.

“Several times, the baby baboon fell out of the tree,” filmmaker Dereck Joubert said, according to the Daily Mail. “Each time, Legadema raced down to pick her up before the hyenas descended, and carried her back up to safety. The baboon clearly thought of Legadema as a surrogate mother. For several hours, they nestled in the tree.”

A newborn baby was abandoned, but fortunately was adopted by a tiger. The tiger took care of and fed the baby. The tiger also protects the baby from other dangers.

After many years, the baby has grown and they still maintain a close relationship.

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