Mike Tyson once audaciously declared that he was willing to pay $10,000 to “smash” a gorilla in the face.

Mike Tyson, the former heavyweight boxing champion known for his fearsome persona in and out of the ring, once made headlines with a bizarre and shocking request during a visit to a zoo.

According to reports, Tyson offered a zookeeper $10,000 to open the cage of a silverback gorilla.

His intent was not just to see the animal up close, but to “smash” it in the face,

an act stemming from his observation that the gorilla was bullying the rest of its group.

This incident showcases the unpredictable and wild nature of Tyson’s personality, especially during the heights of his career, when his behavior was often as discussed as his boxing prowess. Tyson himself recounted the story, noting that he was so intrigued by the power and dominance of the silverback that he wanted to challenge it—a thought that is not only dangerous but also highlights a lack of understanding of wildlife and animal behavior.

The zookeeper, adhering to common sense and legal responsibilities, of course, declined Tyson’s offer, preventing what could have been a dangerous and illegal act. The story, whether embellished over time or not, has added to the complex and controversial image of Tyson, painting a picture of a man who has often struggled to manage his impulses.

Over the years, Tyson has worked to reinvent himself, taking on speaking engagements, one-man shows, and even a successful podcast where he discusses his past, the lessons he has learned, and his current perspectives on life. This incident is often cited as an example of how far Tyson has come from his days of erratic and extreme behavior.


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