Lith??ni?’s Minist?? ?? D???ns? s?i? it h?s st??t?? th? ???c???m?nt ???c?????s ??? 35 UAV s?st?ms, 26 ?? which ??? “mini” ?n? 9 “sm?ll” t???s.
“C????ntl?, th? A?m?? F??c?s ?? Lith??ni? ?? n?t h?v? s?it??l? t?ctic?l ???n?s ??? ??c?nn?iss?nc? ?n? ??s??v?ti?n. Th? ?c??isiti?n ?? th?s? s?st?ms will si?ni?ic?ntl? im???v? th? milit??? int?lli??nc? c????iliti?s ?? th? Lith??ni?n A?m?,” th? Minist?? ?? N?ti?n?l D???ns?, A?v???s An?sh??sk?s s?i?.
UAVs ???ch?s?? t? ??????m int?lli??nc? ?n? ??c?nn?iss?nc? missi?ns m?st ?? ?? th? “mini” ?? “sm?ll” cl?ss [?n??? 150 k?] ?n? m??t th? ????i??m?nts ??? this t??? ?? s?st?m. Th? m?in ?x??ct?ti?ns ???m s?ch ? sm?ll cl?ss ?? UAVs ???; It c?n ?? ???in?? ?s t????t ??t?cti?n ?n? i??nti?ic?ti?n, t????t t??ckin?, t??ckin?, ?i??ctin?, ?n? c????ctin? ??till??? ?i??.
Mini UAVs w?i?h 20 k? ?n? h?v? th? ??ilit? t? ???ch ?n ?ltit??? ?? ?? t? 1000 m?t??s with ?n ????ctiv? ??n?? ?? ?? t? 25 km. Th? “sm?ll” t??? ?? UAV w?i?hs m??? th?n 20 kil????ms ?n? h?s ?n ????ctiv? ??n?? ?? ?? t? 50 km ?n? th? ??t?nti?l t? ???ch ?? t? 1,500 m?t??s.
Th? Minist?? ?? N?ti?n?l D???ns? ?? Lith??ni? ?n? th? A?m?? F??c?s ?? Lith??ni? ?tt?ch ????t im???t?nc? t? th? ?c??isiti?n ?n? int????ti?n ?? n?w ??c?nn?iss?nc? ?n? c?m??t v?hicl?s ?im?? ?t im???vin? th? c?m??t c????iliti?s ?? th? A?m?? F??c?s ?? Lith??ni?.
It is kn?wn th?t th? Minist?? ?? N?ti?n?l D???ns? ?? Lith??ni? c?ntin??s n???ti?ti?ns with th? US ??v??nm?nt t? ???ch?s? ? n?w UAV in ???iti?n t? th? ?n?s ?l????? ???ch?s??. Th? Lith??ni?n milit???’s ??m?n? ??? th?s? m??tin?s is ?????t?? t? ?? th? Switch?l??? UAV.
S?????tin? c?nv?nti?n?l ?? s??ci?l ?????ti?ns ???c?s in th? ?i?l? ?? ???m ?ix?? ????nsiv? ??siti?ns, th? ??ttl?-???v?n Switch?l??? 300 with its ??t?nt?? w?v? sh?t??wn is ?n i???l c??is? missil? ??? ?s? ???inst n?n-lin?-??-si?ht t????ts.
B?ck??ck??l? ?n? ???i?l? ???l????l? ???m ?i?, s??, ?? l?n? ?l?t???ms, th? Switch?l??? 300 ???vi??s ???l-tim? GPS c????in?t?s ?n? vi???-?nh?nc?? l?th?lit? ??? ???cisi?n t????tin? with l?w si?? ????cts. In ???iti?n t? th? st?ikin? ???t???, th? Switch?l??? is ?ls? ?s?? ??? ??c?nn?iss?nc? ?n? s??v?ill?nc?.