K9A1 now fires US munitions – three rounds in 16 sec and 50km range

The Korean company Hanwha Defense Co. expands the portfolio of munitions used with its K9 Thunder self-propelled howitzer [SPH]. The K9A1 was tested with 155mm M795 projectiles, XM1113 Rocket Assisted Projectiles [RAP], and Modular Artillery Charge System [MACS] charges. The tests took place in Arizona at the US military facility Yuma Proving Ground.

16 seconds – that’s how long it took the K9A1 to fire three 155 mm/52 rounds. It took 45 seconds for the howitzer to double fire [six rounds]. This firing was achieved with 155mm M795 projectiles. 50 km range achieved K9A1 with the use of another American ammunition – XM1113 RAP. The firing of the XM1113 RAP was historic for the US Army, as it was the first time a foreign self-propelled howitzer had fired this type of ammunition.

On the ground in Arizona, the K9A1 demonstrated another remarkable ability – ‘Shoot-and-Scoot’. I.e. the howitzer quickly changed position to escape the enemy fire. Before that, however, he hastily fired a few rounds with the M795 ammunition.

K9 in the US

The tests took place in mid-September, and all the weapons systems involved were shown a week ago at the traditional US defense and security exhibition – AUSA 2022.

The Korean company Hanwha Defense has a subsidiary in the United States – Hanwha Defense USA. It was the president and CEO of the American company, John Kelly, who expressed his satisfaction with the demonstrations. According to his words, after the tests, the K9A1 has already received an extended range of ammunition used. The K9A1 proved its high rate of fire, Kelly added, giving the weapon system an “excellent” rating.

The Korean K9A1 howitzer is considered one of the best [if not the best] self-propelled artillery in the world with a caliber of 155/52mm. It was developed at the end of the 90s of the last century, but the main and most important update – K9A1 happened in 2018.

About K9 Thunder / K9A1

This howitzer is characterized by a long range and the ability to carry out the intense fire within 60 seconds. K9А1 has armor that can protect both the crew and the internal onboard equipment from 155 mm projectile fragments, 14.5 mm armor-piercing cartridges/projectiles, and anti-personnel mines. The armor that uses this self-propelled howitzer is POSCO. This armor is made in South Korea. POSCO is the name of a South Korean steel company based in Pohang, South Korea. The steel model that uses K9 Thunder covers the MIL-12560H armor steel standard.

K9 Thunder has an automatic fire control system that works under a text DOS system and graphical Windows. Additionally, there are integrated digital maps and a guide. This system is designed to interact with the electronic projectile loading system.

K9 Thunder is also equipped with an inertial navigation system [INS] + GPS, a periscope designed for night vision, as well as sensors and displays for reverse movement.

K9A1 is gradually entering the international markets, especially in Europe. Apart from South Korea, Estonia, Finland, Norway, and Turkey are current operators of the system. Poland is a future operator after deciding to acquire a significant amount of this self-propelled howitzer. India is the other country in Asia that operates the K9A1. Egypt is the first African country to place a significant order for the K9A1 this year – 200 units.

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