It’s Here: The Most DEADLY Gigantic Self-Propelled Howitzer Ever Created


Many commentators don’t seem to understand that fixed artillery, wheeled artillery, and tracked artillery are three completely different systems with completely different applications. You can’t compare it that easily, as anything can fire a 155mm projectile.

There are a few 155s that are good. Each country uses 1 according to its needs. To say the German is the best is as bad as to say that the Leopard is the best tank ever. Which is not.

When it comes to guns, performance is important, but so is price. It is doubtful whether self-propelled artillery, too expensive to be produced in large numbers, will have a major impact on the battlefield.

Dear belligerents, don’t you really understand that the bitch on this planet after a nuclear war is raasenyatata I want to live, and my children, wife, mother, sister, nephew, etc. … Think about it, please.

The Germans are the best equipped of any armed forces. Unfortunately, they have one of the worst armies in Europe, with squalid equipment, bad morals, and a unionized army reeking of incompetence.

Only 155 mm howitzer. All with lots of extra bolts that could stop working. Like most, if not all, German material is over-engineered. The trend in artillery is wheels, this machine maybe good, but also old ideas.

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