Incredible and wonderful: The rationale for why the US successfully landed the largest plane on a ship

What allows the C-130 to do short landings is the reverse thrust capability of the turboprop engines. These engines have the same power in reverse as they do forward.

Totally giving this a thumbs up as I had no idea they landed C-130s on carriers… but somehow the last half of this video seemed to be a completely different, if somewhat related, subject.

The power of technology it’s amazing… I can only imagine 100 years from now.. too bad we don’t live that long.. if the inventors of the plane could see it now they would be amazed.. let’s celebrate our past in our present.. awesome and wonderful

I work for AMH-1Elmer ( ally) Phillips who was with VX-1 And he was the loadmaster on the C-130 and they landed on the USS Kitty Hawk and was suppose to take off using their Jatos, jet assisted rockets. None of them wanted to try taking off. Their C -130 was later craned off

Captain flatly landed 130s on the forestal made history he was our captain on Saratoga on our 1980 med cruse think he also had the most carrier landings he celebrated it with his son landing a f-4 on same cruse

BIG difference between a C-130 Hercules and a C-5 Galaxy. Main one is the C-5 is jet powered and much larger and the aircraft tested for carrier operation was a turboprop powered airframe. Major difference in landing speed and wingspread. So your “largest plane” designation is grossly incorrect. You need to get your “fluctus” together, because you do not know your subject….as usual it seems anymore.

Thats now retired Admiral Flatley flying the c-130 , I served with his son LT Joe Flatley in VFA-131 Wildcats 86/88 out of NAS Cecil Field fla.

I can barely land a jet on an aircraft carrier in Flight Simulator but I wonder how is it possible to land it in an. Aircraft carrier

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