HMS Audacious (S122) is an essential part of the Royal Navy’s Astute Class Assault Submarine Fleet.

HMS Audacious (S122), a formidable Astute-Class attack submarine, was formally commissioned today during a ceremony held at HM Naval Base Clyde. Members of the ship’s company and personnel from the Submarine Flotilla (SUBFLOT) gathered at the Faslane site to welcome HMS Audacious to the Royal Navy fleet. The ceremony marked the culmination of extensive tests and sea trials for the vessel, which is now ready for Royal Navy operations around the globe.

Commodore Jim Howard, the Commander of SUBFLOT, commended the crew’s dedication and professionalism during the commissioning process. He emphasized the significance of this milestone, underscoring the importance of the Astute-Class submarines in modern naval operations.

HMS Audacious is the latest addition to the Royal Navy’s fleet of nuclear-powered fleet submarines. These submarines set a new standard in terms of their capabilities, communication facilities, and stealth technology. The boats were constructed by BAE Systems Submarines at  Barrow-in-Furness, with seven boats planned in total. HMS Astute, the first of the class, was launched by Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, in 2007, commissioned in 2010, and declared fully operational in May 2014. The Astute class represents the replacement for the aging Trafalgar-class fleet submarines in Royal Navy service.

The Astute-class submarines are equipped with 38 weapon tubes and carry a mix of Spearfish heavyweight torpedoes and Tomahawk Block IV cruise missiles, valued at approximately £870,000 each. The Tomahawk missiles are capable of hitting targets up to a range of 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers). The Astute Common Combat Management System is a new version of the Submarine Command System used on other classes of British submarines. The vessels are capable of operating independently, providing their own oxygen generation, and recycling their own air and water.

Commodore Jim Parks, the Commanding Officer of HMS Audacious, expressed his admiration for the crew’s hard work during the extensive trials, and he lauded the commitment of the families who supported the submariners throughout the journey. This formal commissioning ceremony marks a significant milestone in the life of HMS Audacious, and it stands as a testament to the Royal Navy’s dedication to maritime defense and readiness.

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