S????n ?n? Hin??st?n A???n??tics Limit?? (HAL) h?v? ?nt???? ? j?int v?nt??? t? c?-??si?n ?n? c?-?????c? th? n?xt ??n???ti?n ?? h?lic??t?? ?n?in?s in In?i?. Th?s? will ?? ??? th? In?i?n M?lti-R?l? H?lic??t?? (IMRH) ?n? th? D?ck-B?s?? M?lti-R?l? H?lic??t?? (DBMRH). Th? ??th-????kin? ???l w?s ?nn??nc?? ???in? P?im? Minist?? N???n??? M??i’s ??c?nt visit t? F??nc?. Amit??h P. R?vi. Ass?ci?t? E?it??, St??tN?ws Gl???l, ??? sist?? ?i?it?l ?l?t???m, int??vi?w?? Cé??ic G????t, CEO ?? S????n H?lic??t?? En?in?s.
“B? ? 50-50 c?-??si?n, m?n???ct??? ?n? s?????t ?? th? n?w ??n???ti?n, hi?h ??w?? t????sh??t ?n?in? ???ic?t?? t? th? m?lti-??l? h?lic??t??, w?i?hin? ??tw??n 13 ?n? 14 t?nn?s”, Cé??ic G????t s??s,” th? j?int v?nt??? is ??shin? th? ?nv?l??? in t??ms ?? t?chn?l??ic?l c?ll?????ti?n ? st?? ???th?? th?n th? t??ns??? ?? t?chn?l???”. H? ???s th?t “it is ? ?iv?t?l m?m?nt ??? th? ???tn??shi? ??tw??n F??nc? ?n? In?i? ?n? ??tw??n HAL ?n? S????n h?lic??t?? ?n?in?s”.
Th? ?xcl?siv? int??vi?w ??c?s?? ?n th? j?int v?nt???, th? c?-??si?n ?? ? c?m?l?t?l? n?w ?n?in?, inv?stm?nt ?l?ns, w??ksh??? ?ll?c?ti?n, wh??? th? ??ciliti?s will ?? ??s??, hi?h ???lit? ?n? ???ntit? ?? ?m?l??m?nt, M?int?n?nc?, R???i?, Ov??h??l (MRO ??ciliti?s in In?i?, Atm?ni??h??t? (s?l?-??li?nc?), ????nc? ?x???ts in th? ??t???, t??ns??? ?? t?chn?l???, int?ll?ct??l ??????t? ?i?hts, th? F??nch ??v??nm?nt’s ??l?, tim????m? ??? th? h?lic??t?? t? ?nt?? s??vic?, th? Sh?kti ?n?in? c?ll?????ti?n, w??kin? in th? In?i?n ????nc? ?c?s?st?m, th? ???tn??shi? ?n? c????ilit? ?? HAL, ?n? th? l???c? ?? J?s??h Sz??l?wski. F?ll?win? ??? th? ?xc???ts ???m th? int??vi?w:
AMITABH P. REVI: Th? j?int v?nt??? m?inl? ?isc?ss?s th? In?i?n m?lti-??l? h?lic??t??s (IMRH) ?n? th? ??ck ??s? h?lic??t??s (DBMRH) ?n?in?s. It is ??in? t? ?? ? 13-t?nn? h?lic??t??. C?n ??? t?ll ?s m??? ????t th? j?int v?nt????
Cé??ic G????t: It is ? k?? ???j?ct t???? in th? ???wth ?? ??? hist??ic?l ???tn??shi? with HAL ??? m??? th?n 50 ????s. S?, this is s?m?thin?! An? w? h?v? ??ci??? t???th?? ?n? ????n? ??? tw? c??nt?i?s t???th?? t? ??in? this ???tn??shi? t? ? n?w h?i?ht, t? ? n?w l?v?l. W? ??? v??? h?n?????, ?n? w? ??? v??? ????? t? h?v? th? sh???h?l??? ?????m?nt si?n?? ??? th? ?cc?si?n ?? th? visit ?? P?im? Minist?? M??i in P??is ?n th? 14th ?? J?l?. S? th? j?int v?nt???’s ?????s?, ?s ??? ?i?htl? s??, is t? ??si?n, m?n???ct???, s?ll ?n? s?????t ? n?w ??n???ti?n ?n?in?, ? hi?h-??w?? t????sh??t ?n?in? ???ic?t?? t? ? m?lti-??l? h?lic??t??, ? h??v? h?lic??t?? w?i?hin? ??tw??n 13 ?n? 14 t?nn?s, with ? ??ck-??s?? n?v? v??si?n.
APR: R????ts s????st th?t inv?stm?nt c??l? ?? ??w???s ?? 10,000 c???? ?????s. I’m n?t ???? ?t m?ths, ??t it’s ??????l? ????n? $1.3 ?illi?n i? I t??nsl?t? th?t. B?t th??? is ? ???c?ss; th??? is ? ???c????? th?t ??ll?ws. C??l? ??? ?x?l?in t? ?s th? inv?stm?nt th?t is ?l?nn???
CB: Th? inv?stm?nt will ?? si?ni?ic?nt ?n ??th si??s ??? ??v?l??in? s?ch ? n?w ??n???ti?n ?? ?n?in?s. An? it will ?? c?nsist?nt with th? ??s??ctiv? w??ksh??? ?? ??ch ???tn??. An?, ?? c???s?, w?’ll ?ls? h?v? t? ?isc?ss this with th? c?st?m?? ?s ? ?l??m?k??-th? ?i????m??, s? HAL ?s th? ?i????m??. S?, it’s t?? s??n t? t?ll-t? sh??? v??? s??ci?ic, ???cis? ?m??nts ?n? n?m???s with ???, ??t it will ?? s?m?thin? si?ni?ic?nt ???in ???m ??th ???ti?s. I’m s??? ?n ?xc?ll?nt inv?stm?nt ??? th? ??t??? ?? ??th c?m??ni?s ?n? in??st?i?s.
APR: Y?? m?nti?n?? w??ksh???. H?w is th?t ??in? t? ?? ?ll?c?t?? ??tw??n In?i? ?n? F??nc??
CB: It is ? j?int v?nt???. It is ? 50-50 w??ksh???. Th???????, w? h?v? ?????? ?n this w??ksh???. It w?s ??ck in F???????, ???in? th? A??? In?i? Ai?sh?w in In?i?. W? kn?w v??? w?ll n?w wh?t w? will h?v? t? ?? ?n ??ch si?? ?n? t???th?? ??c??s? w? ??? t?lkin? ????t ?n? ?n?in? ?t th? ?n?. S?, th? w??ksh??? is cl???l? ???in?? t????. An? ??? th? ?i?st tim?, w? will invit? HAL t? t?k? ???t in th? ??si?n ?? s?m? c?m??n?nts ?? th? h?t??x-th? c??? ?? th? ?n?in?.
APR: In t??ms ?? th? j?int v?nt??? h?s it ???n ??ci??? wh??? th?t will ?? ??s?? in. Wh?t ????t th? ?ss?m?l? ?? th? ?n?in?s its?l??
CB: W? h?v? ?????? with HAL t? l?c?t? this j?int v?nt??? ?n? its ?ctiviti?s in B?n??l???, ??????l? cl?s? t? th? h?lic??t?? ?ss?m?l? lin? ?? HAL.APR: Is this t? ?? ??ci??? wh??? th? h?lic??t?? ?ss?m?l? lin? will ?? ??…?
CB: N?, it is ??ci???. I ??n’t kn?w th? ???cis? l?c?ti?n, ??t it will ?? s?m?wh??? in B?n??l??? ?? th? ??tski?ts ?? B?n??l???.
APR: Y?? t?lk?? ????t si?ni?ic?nt inv?stm?nt. An?th?? si?ni?ic?nt ?s??ct in t??ms ?? n?m???s, ??th in ???ntit? ?n? ???lit?, is ?m?l??m?nt. S? h?w m?ch will th?t ??n??it In?i? ?n? F??nc?, ?n? wh?t ????t th? MRO ?ctiviti?s? Will th?? ?? t?kin? ?l?c? ?nti??l? in In?i?, ?? is th?t ?ls? sh?????
CB: It is ? ???? ??int ??hin? this ???j?ct, ??? kn?w. Wh?t is ?t st?k?? It is ? l?t ?? j??s. An? m?st ?? th?s? j??s will ?? l?c?t?? in In?i?, ?n? ???’?? t?lkin? ????t hi?h-???lit? j??s, ?n?in???in?, m?n???ct??in?, s?l?s s?????t, ?n? ??minist??ti?n. S? m?n? ??l?t?? j??s, ?? c???s?, h?v? ? st?k? in this ???j?ct, which is ? ???? thin? ??? In?i? ?n? F??nc? ??????in? MRO ?ctiviti?s. It h?s ?ls? ???n ??ci??? t? l?c?t? th? MRO ??cilit? ?n? c???citi?s ???ic?t?? t? this ?n?in? in th? ??t??? in In?i?. An? t? ?ls? ?m?h?sis? th?t in t??ms ?? MRO ?ctiviti?s, it will ?? c?nn?ct?? in ????ll?l with ?n?th?? ???j?ct w? h?v?. It is ? ??cisi?n th?t w?s m??? in th? ??st t? s?t ?? ? j?int v?nt??? ???ic?t?? t? ?n??lin? ?ctiviti?s ??? th? tw? t????sh??ts ?n?in?s-th? TM 333, ?n? ?s I s???k, ??? kn?w th? ??il?in? is ??in? c?nst??ct?? in G??. An? it will h?l? t? ?nt?? s??vic? s?m?wh??? ?? th? ?n? ?? 2024 ???innin? ?? 2025. S?, ? l?t is c?min? in t??ms ?? MRO with m??? sh??t-t??m h??iz?n ??? TM 333 ?n? Sh?kti ?n? in th? ??t???, w? h?v? t? ??ci?? wh??? t? l?c?t? this MRO ??cilit? with HAL. It h?s ??t t? ?? ??ci??? ?n th? ?n?in? ?? th? IMRH h?lic??t??.
APR: Tw? ???n?s ?? In?i?n ??lic?, wh?t w? c?ll ?tm?ni??h??t?- s?l?-??li?nc?, ?n? w? ??? ?ls? l??kin? ?t ????nc? ?x???ts ?ss?nti?ll?. M?n? l????, ??v?l???? c??nt?i?s h?v? ?l????? ???ch?? th?t st???. In t??ms ?? ?x???ts, wh?t ??? ???? ???j?cti?ns ??? th?s? h?lic??t?? ?n?in?s ?n? h?lic??t??s?
CB: S?, ??? j?int ?????s?l with HAL is ?ls? t? ??v?l?? ?n? ??il? ?n ?n?in? m??nt t? ?? ?x???t??. W? ??? ?l????? t?lkin? ????t ? ???n?-n?w t???? m?chin? with ????n? 3000 sh??t h??s???w??, which will ?? th? ??st ?n?in? t???. S?, w? h?v? ?n?th?? t???th?? with HAL. This ?n?in? will ?? v??? s?it?? ??? ???j?cts in In?i? ?n? t? ???i? h?lic??t??s ?n? IMRH, which will ?? ?x???t?? ??tsi?? In?i?. B?c??s? w? ??? t?lkin? ????t In?i?n ?m?iti?n ??????in? s?l?-??li?nc?, th????h this j?int v?nt??? with HAL, w? ??? s?ttin? ?? ?s th? ?i?st In?i?n ?n?in? m?n???ct???? ??c??s?, c??t?inl?, th? c?nt?? ?? ???vit? ??? ?ll th? j?int v?nt??? ?ctiviti?s will ?? l?c?t?? in In?i?.
APR: A??in, j?st t?kin? ??t ???m th? l?st ??int, ??? m?nti?n?? th? 300 sh??t h??s???w?? (3000 sh??t h??s???w??) ?n?in?, S? this is ?n ?nti??l? n?w ?n?in?. It is n?t ? v??i?nt.
CB: N?, it is ? n?w ?n?in?; ?? c???s?, w? will h??n?ss s?m? t?chn?l??i?s ?n? kn?w-h?w th?t S????n h?lic??t?? ?n?in?s ??c?ntl? ??m?nst??t?? ?n hi?h-??w?? t???? ?n?in?s ??? h?lic??t??s, ??t it will ?? s?m?thin? ???n? n?w.
APR: Th??? is ? l?t ?? int???st in In?i? ????t t?chn?l??? t??ns???. Ex?l?in wh?t ??? c?n ?n th?t ?n? wh? ??? w??l? s?? S????n ?iv?s ?? int?ll?ct??l ??????t? ?i?hts in this c?s?.
CB: S?, ??? this j?int v?nt??? ???j?ct, it is still ??l?v?nt t? t?lk ????t th? t??ns??? ?? t?chn?l??? ??c??s?, ??sic?ll?, w? ??? t?lkin? ????t th? c??? ??v?l??m?nt ?? ? ???n?-n?w ?n?in? m?inl? l?c?t?? in In?i?. S?, wh?n ??? t?lk ????t th? t??ns??? ?? t?chn?l???, w? ??? t?lkin? ????t th? t?chn?l??? w? h?v? ??v?l???? in F??nc?, ?n? th?n w? t??ns??? t? In?i?. Wh?t w? will ?? t???th?? with HAL ?s ? ???tn?? is t? ??v?l?? in In?i? t? c?-??v?l?? this n?w ?n?in?. B? ??si?n, ??? s?, th? j?int v?nt??? is ??shin? th? ?nv?l??? in t??ms ?? t?chn?l??ic?l c?ll?????ti?n ???ll? ? st?? ???th??. It is ? ?iv?t?l m?m?nt ??? th? ???tn??shi? in this ???? ??tw??n F??nc? ?n? In?i? ?n? ??tw??n HAL ?n? S????n h?lic??t?? ?n?in?s.
APR: Th?t’s ? v??? im???t?nt ??int ??? ??? ??in?in? ?? th???. B?t, in t??ms ?? t?chn?l??? t??ns???, i? th??? is ?n? ?? IPR, I w?nt?? t? ?n???st?n? h?w it w??ks in F??nc?. Is th? ??v??nm?nt ?ls? inv?lv??? I? ??? l??k ?t th? US, th??? ??? l?ws. It h?s t? ?? th????h C?n???ss. H?w ???s th?t w??k?
CB: It h?s ???n ??m?nst??t?? ???in ???in? P?im? Minist?? M??i’s visit t? F??nc? th?t th? F??nch ??th??iti?s, ?s??ci?ll? th? F??nch Minist?? ?? D???nc?, ??? s?????tin? this ???j?ct. O? c???s?, w? h?v? t? ?sk ??? ??th??is?ti?n t? w??k ?n s?ch ? s?nsitiv? t?chn?l??? ?? ? st??t??ic ?????ct lik? ? ?i? ?n?in? ??? ? h??v? milit??? h?lic??t??. W? h?? t? ?sk ??? ??th??is?ti?n ?n? cl????nc? ???m th? F??nch D?D, which w? ??t. An? th?n, ??? h?v? IPs ?n th? ?n?in? si??. W? h?v? IPs ?n th? F??nch si??, ?n? w? will k??? ??? IPs. B?t ?ll th?t w? ?? t???th??, w? will ??v?l?? IPs ??l?n?in?, which w? c?ll ????????n? – IPs t? ??ch ???tn?? ?n? th? j?int v?nt???.
APR: In t??ms ?? ? tim????m? ??? w? l??kin? ?t th? ?n? ?? th? ??c???-2030 ??? th? ?n?in?’s ??v?l??m?nt?
CB: F?? ?s, th? ???l is t? ?? ????? t? ?nt?? s??vic? ?? th? ?n? ?? th? ??c??? ?n th? IMRH, ??t th?n this is ?ls? th? ?i????m? t? t?ll. O? c???s?, w? will ?? thin?s ?cc???in? t? th? sch???l?, t? th? ??v?l??m?nt sch???l? ?? th? h?lic??t??, ??t th? ???l ??? ?s is t? ?? ????? t? s?????t th? ??t?nti?l ?nt?? int? s??vic? ?? 2030.
APR: Y?? m?nti?n?? th? Sh?kti ?n?in? ???li??, wh??? ???s Sh?kti ?n?in? ?n? th? h?lic??t?? ?n?in? MRO st?n? in t??ms ?? j?int v?nt???s ?n? this ???j?ct?
CB: W? h?v? th? ???j?ct n?w, ??t it is ?n?th?? ???j?ct t? c???t?. Th? ??cisi?n h?s ???n m???, ?n? ?s I s???k, th? ??ciliti?s ??? ??in? ??ilt in G??. It will ?? ? j?int v?nt??? with HAL ???ic?t?? t? th? MRO ?? th? TM 333 ??t ?ls? th? MRO ?? th? Sh?kti ?n?in?s. An? ?s ??? ??????l? kn?w, w? h?v? h?? ?????m?nts. W? ??? ?isc?ssin? ???th?? ????n??m?nts with HAL ?n? In?i?n ??th??iti?s t? ?? m??? ?? th? Sh?kti ?n?in?s. W? ?l????? ?? ? l?t ?? th? Sh?kti ?n?in?s in In?i?, ??t w? n??? t? ?? ? st?? ???th?? ?n? ?? ?v?n m??? in th? m?nths ?n? ????s t? c?m?.
APR: S?m? c?nsi??? this ? sli?htl? s?nsitiv? ???sti?n in In?i?. H?w ?? ??? s?? th? In?i?n ????nc? ?c?s?st?m, ?s??ci?ll? th? ???j?cts ??? ??? w??kin? ?n with HAL? HAL h?s ???n w??kin? ??? ??c???s. D? ??? s?? ???? c?-???tn?? ?s-?? ??? ?ss?ss th?m ?s c????l? ?n???h t? ??liv?? s?ch hi?h t?chn?l????
CB: As ??? s?i?, w? h?v? w??k?? ??? ?v?? ?iv? ??c???s with HAL ?n? th? In?i?n in??st??. W? h?v? s??n th? ?v?l?ti?n – ?ll th? ??????ss. W? h?v? n? ????t; w? ??? v??? c?n?i??nt th?t HAL ?n? th? ????nc? ?c?s?st?m in In?i? n?w h?v? th? ?i?ht m?t??it? l?v?l t? ?n???? (in) s?ch ? s??histic?t?? ???j?ct in ? s?cc?ss??l m?nn??-in ? v??? m?t??? m?nn?? I will s??, ?n? I s?? th?t in ? v??? h?m?l? w??. W? ?ls? ??c??nis? th? ??????ss ?n? n?w c?nsi??? th?t In?i? ?n? HAL ??? ??ll? c????l? ?? ?cc?m?lishin? ? v??? ??v?nc?? ???j?ct lik? th? ?n? th?t will c?nt?i??t? t? ?n? th????h this j?int v?nt??? with HAL.
APR: Th??? ??? tw? l?min??i?s in h?lic??t?? t?chn?l???. I m??n I??? Sik??sk? ?n? J?s??h Sz??l?wski. An? h?w m?ch h? h?s t? ?? with S????n’s wh?l? ?th?s? Wh?t w??l? J?s??h ?? thinkin? ????t th? kin? ?? ?x??nsi?n th?t S????n h?s ?chi?v??? I kn?w it is n?t j?st In?i?. It’s ?ll ?v?? th? w??l?. B?t his ?hil?s??h? ?n? his l???c?.
CB: W?, ?? c???s?, ?w? ? l?t t? J?s??h Sz??l?wski. H? w?s ? visi?n??? ?nt?????n???. An? c?n ??? im??in?, ?v?? th? ??st ??c???s, ?????? wh?t w?s ?t th?t st??? n?t S????n h?lic??t?? ?n?in?s ??t T????m?c?? F??m n?thin? h? ??ilt, h? m?n???? t? m?k?. It is ?w?-ins?i?in? in F??nc?, ? w??l? l?????, ?n? ?? th? w??l? l?????s ??? th? ?n?in?s ??? th? h?lic??t?? m??k?t, ??th milit??? ?n? civil. S?, w? h?v? t? ??c??niz? th?t in t??ms ?? ?hil?s??h? ?n? ?? c?nsist?nt with J?s??h Sz??l?wski’s v?l??s. W? n??? t? ?? visi?n???. An? th? ???tn??shi? with In?i?, which st??t?? with him, ?? th? w??, w?s ? visi?n??? ?n?. O? c???s?, it t?k?s tim?. It ?lw??s t?k?s tim?. B?t n?w it is ???in? m??? ?n? m??? ?ivi??n?s ??? ??th c??nt?i?s. An? h?, ?t th?t tim?, w?s ?l????? ?h??? ?? th? ?v?l?ti?n ?? th? w??l?. St??tin? t? ?l?nt s???s ?n? ?s??ci?ll? in In?i?, ?n? i? w? ??? h???, ??? kn?w, t???th?? t? ?isc?ss S????n h?lic??t?? ?n?in?s, th? ???tn??shi? with HAL, th? c?ll?????ti?n ?? h?lic??t?? m??k?ts ??tw??n th? tw? c??nt?i?s, ??? kn?w, with??t J?s??h Sz??l?wski, it w??l? h?v? n?v?? h????n??. An? th? ?i?st v?l?? is t? ???? t? ?? ??l? ?n???h ?n? ?m?iti??s ?n???h t???th?? t? ?cc?m?lish ????t thin?s ??? ??? in??st?? ?n? ??th c??nt?i?s. An? ??? th? ???tn??shi?, th? c?ll?????ti?n ??tw??n In?i? ?n? F??nc?. S?, this is s?m?thin? w? ??? v??? ????? ?n? ??li?ht?? t? ?? ???t ??.