Gerda Wegener’s аᴜdасіoᴜѕ Lesbian Erotica: An Art Deco Masterpiece

Virtually no art nouveau

The shunga artist Jeff Faerber introduced me to the erotic work of his friend and tattoo artist Gerald Feliciano that made a big impression on me. Up to now he made four paintings that offer a wonderful fusion..

artist has attracted so much attention, not only because of her art but especially because of her lifestyle as the Danish painter and illustrator Gerda Marie Frederike Wegener (1886-1940). She was born in Northern Schleswig, but because of her love of art she decided to leave for Copenhagen at an early age to pursue an education at the Royal Art Academy.

Gender Reassignment Surgery

In 1904 she married the artist Einar Wegener, who increasingly recognized his feminine identity. He later called himself Lili Elbe (Fig.2) and was the first person in the world to undergo gender reassignment surgery.

Gerda Wegener

Fig.1. Portrait of Wegener at the age of 22

Desire for Female

Gerda Wegener’s unlimited tolerance and her openness regarding her own lesbian tendencies make her a pioneer of self-confident female sexuality. Gerda Wegener’s art is an expression of her dazzling life. She painted sensual, self-confident, modern and elegant women who were not ashamed of that. Wegener honored female beauty, friskiness and seductiveness, nudity and role play. Her often erotic works reflect the desire for the female, even include lesbian

Pictures of lesbians were also popular in shunga (although they are rare!). The depicted women are usually shown using a special dildo ( harigata ) , composed like a double-sided phallus . Although I have seen..

sexuality and play with the sexes.

Gerda Wegener art

Fig.2. ‘Lili Elbe‘ by Gerda Wegener

Two Gold Medals

Lili Elbe often serves her as a model, as well as on the oil painting of the same name. In 1912, the dazzling couple moved to Paris, where Gerda works as a portrait painter and as an illustrator for various magazines like VogueFantasioLa Vie Parisienne. At the Paris Universal Exhibition in 1925, she exhibits her works and wins two gold medals.  Lili died at the age of 49, soon after a fifth operation that concerned the transplantation of a uterus. Her death was caused due to transplant rejections.

gerda wegener

Fig.3. Series of watercolors, which appeared in 1925 under the title “Les Délassements d’Eros” in Erotopolis (Paris)

The Danish Girl

In Denmark she had fallen into oblivion in recent decades, but the 2015 feature film “The Danish Girl“, which tells the life story of Lili Elbe and Gerda Wegener, has once again emphasized her important role in art history.

gerda wegener lesbian

Fig.4. ‘The Balcony‘ (1917)

Gerda Wegener


Gerda Wegener lesbian

Fig.6. ‘The Circle of Love‘ from the series ‘The Pleasures of Eros‘ (1917)

Gerda Wegener

Fig.7. From a series of water colors published in 1925 entitled ‘Les Delassements d’Eros in Erotopolis Paris

Gerda Wegener

Fig.8. ‘Faun Tickling Young Girl Asleep

Gerda Wegener

Fig.9. ‘The Young Leda‘ (1917)

Gerda Wegener

Fig.10. ‘The Crinoline‘ (1917)

gerda wegener lesbian

Fig.11 ‘Lesbian couple on striped cushions‘ (1925)

Gerda Wegener art

Fig.12. From the series ‘The Delights of Eros‘ (1925)

gerda wegener

Fig.13. From the series ‘Une aventure d’amour à Venise (A love affair in Venice)‘ (1927)

gerda wegener lesbian cunnilingus


gerda wegener lesbian art


gerda wegener erotic


gerda wegener erotic satyr


gerda wegener mermaids

Fig.18. ‘Mermaids‘ (1918)

gerda wegener lesbians

Fig.19. ‘Bathing women and swan at a fountain‘ (1916)

gerda wegener masked erotica


Illustrations Wegener produced for Théophile Gautier’s “Fortunio” (edition of 1934)…

Fortunio Gerda Wegener.

Fig.21. (Source: Biblio Curiosa)

Gerda Wegener. Fortunio

Fig.22. (Source: Biblio Curiosa)

Théophile Gautier's

Fig.23. (Source: Biblio Curiosa)

Lily, Hot Summer, 1924 by Gerda WegenerFig.24. ‘Lily, Hot Summer‘ (1924)

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