TD-02In our ancient world, a strange and terrifying event is taking place beneath the surface of the night. Creatures from distant planets have gradually appeared, but they are not the peaceful forces we expected. Instead, they are plotting against an invading army of children, and the methods they use to achieve that goal are bizarre and terrifying.
Police and scientists around the world have encountered strange murders and mysterious disappearances of children. However, few people expect that underneath this event is an extremely dark political conspiracy from other space creatures. Not only are they conducting a mental invasion of the minds of children, but they are also planning to infiltrate and mentally control the adults who might stand up to them.
Some brave researchers have ventured deeper into these mysteries and have discovered that children are being influenced by invisible wave signals from space spacecraft. These signals are tailored to stimulate fear and admiration for extraterrestrial beings, making children unwitting agents of their evil plans.
However, the struggle is not over. Researchers and politicians have worked together to develop defenses against this intrusion. Media and education have been used to increase awareness and encourage solidarity between nations. We are fighting not only for our freedom, but also for the future of children and the freedom of all humanity.
In this war, hope still exists. Even though the darkness is thicker, the light of knowledge and courage will still illuminate the path for us. We cannot betray the trust of children, and we will never let our enemies take over our future.